Brianna's Navy SEAL

Brianna's Navy SEAL by Natalie Damschroder Page A

Book: Brianna's Navy SEAL by Natalie Damschroder Read Free Book Online
Authors: Natalie Damschroder
hesitated, not sure this was the right conversation to say this, and it seemed too early. But he'd do anything to stop Brianna from the path she was on. “I think you and I can create that family."
    "I'm sorry, Cable, but that's irrelevant, too.” Her voice was soft, but steely, and she looked at him steadily. “I'm not looking for those things. If I get them, great, but it's not a hole in my life. It's more important that the last time something like this happened, it ended badly."
    "The last time something like what happened?” He had that feeling in his chest like he got just before an op went bad.
    "The last time two people were interested in the same person."
    "I can't believe you care about Darcy's feelings. She obviously doesn't care about yours."
    Brie didn't respond. Cable checked the intersection and started moving again.
    "You're really considering ending this because of a woman I don't have any interest in?"
    "I know it sounds dumb, but you don't understand—"
    "So tell me. What could be so bad that you'd throw us away?"
    "It was bad."
    He shook his head. “It can't be that bad. Not unless someone died.” He parked in his driveway and looked at her. Her expression was full of grief and guilt.
    "Someone did."

    Cable didn't look like he knew what to say. Brianna started to get out of the car, then froze.
    "Cable, your door's open.” The front door yawned wide, the entrance a black hole. He'd left the foyer light on, she remembered that. The porch light, too, was out.
    "Stay here."
    She hesitated, not sure if she should close and lock the truck or be ready to run if someone approached her. Cable left the key in the ignition and moved silently up the walkway. Brie pulled her leg in and clicked the door closed, then climbed over to the driver's side. She only took her eyes off Cable for one second, but when she looked back up, he'd disappeared. Into the house, or the shadows out front? She put her foot on the brake and her hand on the gearshift, constantly sweeping the area to make sure no one snuck up on her. Everything was completely silent.
    She saw a small movement by the front door, but when she stared at it, she saw nothing. She tried looking to the left of the doorway, but still nothing. Cable must have gone inside.
    She waited tensely for five minutes according to the dashboard clock, and five hours according to the pounding of her heart. Finally, Cable came outside, walking normally. Brie shut off the engine and climbed out of the truck.
    "Someone broke in,” he told her, crossing the lawn. “I called the police."
    "I don't know.” He was doing the same sweep of the yard and street she'd been doing, even as he rubbed her back as if to reassure her.
    It didn't take long for Officer Downey to show up. He asked a ton of questions, repeating himself as if questioning Cable's story—like he'd burglarize his own home—and making Brianna's blood pressure increase by the minute. He wouldn't let them go inside, and then asked if anything was missing.
    "Bob, you wouldn't let us go in. Cable told you he didn't take the time to look. He was more concerned about safety."
    Bob looked Cable up and down. “Securing the premises is better left to the police, Mr. Addison."
    "For God's sake, Bob, he's a former Navy SEAL!"
    Now the cop's implacable expression focused on her. “I'm still not clear on what you're doing here, Miss Macgregor?” He emphasized the “Miss,” though he knew damned well Brianna went by Ms. Her temper flared even higher.
    "That's none of—"
    Cable cut her off, actually stepping in front of her. “Brianna and I are on the decorations committee for the ball. She lives across the street, so we attended a committee meeting together. We'd just pulled up when she noticed my door was open.” His words were simple and didn't address the implication, but his tone was hard, leaving no doubt what would happen if Officer Downey pursued that line of questioning.
    "Can we go

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