Broken Soldier: A Novel

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Book: Broken Soldier: A Novel by Clara Frost Read Free Book Online
Authors: Clara Frost
amazing. He just wanted to pick her up and spin her around and smother her with kisses.
    Christa pointed to the last piece of sushi on the platter. “Em, have at it.”
    Emily shook her head. “I’m full.”
    Christa gave her a look that made Rafa think she saw through Emily’s protests, too. It just showed that he needed to prove to her that she was beautiful.
    “You hear anything else about a job yet?” Paul asked.
    Emily tensed, pretended to look away, but Rafa could tell that she was listening closely.
    “The opportunity at The Citadel fell through.” Rafa rubbed his knee. “No explanation, but my professor emailed me. Said he thought some folks at Department of Defense lobbied against me.”
    “Do you want me to talk to my old man?” Paul asked. “He’s still got some pull. Could put in a good word for you. I’m sure he wouldn’t mind.”
    “If they don’t want me, I’m not going to press the point. It just means I have to find something else. Maybe something closer.”
    Emily seemed to relax. Her foot pushed against his and she smiled at him.
    “You’re not, like, out on the street on Monday or anything, are you?” Christa asked.
    “My lease is up at the end of the month,” Rafa said, “So I’ve got a little while longer, but if I’m going to find a teaching job, I need to land something before the schools are done hiring for next semester.”
    “They might already be,” Paul said. “Don’t they try to hire in the summer?”
    Rafa shrugged. “Maybe, but I thought that if I didn’t apply, I wouldn’t know for sure.”
    Their waiter came by and offered dessert, but when Emily declined, so did Christa and Paul. The waiter brought the check back and left it between Paul and Rafa.
    Rafa reached for it, but Paul beat him to it. “I’ve got this,” Paul said.
    Rafa tried to grab it again, but Paul pulled it away. “I’ll get ours,” Rafa said.
    “You’re a wounded veteran and about to be unemployed.” Paul opened the leather folio and peeked inside. “I’ll get this.”
    Rafa swallowed, forcing himself to relax. It was the little things that hurt. Dealing with random crap from strangers at the sporting goods store rolled right off his back, but the little, well-meaning jibes from friends reminded him that he wasn’t the same person anymore.
    “Alright,” he said, voice even and controlled.
    Emily took a sip of her water, giving him that knowing look. It was uncanny how she could see through him and tell what he was really thinking. “If this weather is going to get worse,” she said, “we should get going soon.”
    Christa smiled politely. Whatever was going on with her and Paul, Rafa didn’t want to be in the middle of it. Maybe it was a good thing they weren’t going back to the cabin. “Yes, you should. Paul, it’s time.”
    “Hey,” Paul said, “I’ll call the cabin tomorrow and make sure you guys aren’t snowed in, okay?”
    “Sure.” Rafa patted his pocket, making sure he had his phone. “Call my cell.”
    They rose and left, wishing Rafa and Emily well.
    “Let’s stop on the way out and get some supplies,” Emily said. “Just in case.”
    “Sure.” Rafa followed Emily out to her car, his artificial foot tapping on the concrete.

Chapter 13

    S NOW  pelted the windshield, a swirling white fog. The road itself was nearly impossible to see with an inch or more of powder already on it. They were still a couple miles short of the cabin, and Rafa was starting to worry that they wouldn’t make it.

    “Are you sure you don’t want me to drive?” he asked.
    Emily gripped the wheel, her knuckles as white as the world outside the car. “I’ve got it.”
    “I can switch, if you’d rather.”
    “Rafa, I’ve got it. I’ve been driving on snow since I was fifteen.”
    “No offense, but you need both hands on the wheel here.” She peered out the window, never once looking his way.
    She couldn’t see him flush with shame and frustration. He

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