A Tangled Web (A Books We Love Erotic Romance)

A Tangled Web (A Books We Love Erotic Romance) by Summer Jordan

Book: A Tangled Web (A Books We Love Erotic Romance) by Summer Jordan Read Free Book Online
Authors: Summer Jordan
wanted her to come screaming for him. He owed her the wildest, raunchiest, most satisfying sex he could give her, after the way he'd insulted her. He hadn't been sure she'd forgive him and give him the chance. However, he had a strong inkling she craved his cock plunging into her pussy as much as he did.
    "Hello, Derek."
    He looked up to see Angel standing at the bar. She looked lovely with a brightly printed scarf tied around her frosted hair. The blonde streaks brightened her long brown tresses. She was wearing a red dress and perhaps it was a reflection off it that made her cheeks look bright, or was she flushed?
    Heads turned, and for a moment he saw her as others did. Then he stole a frantic glance at his watch. 6:40. "What are you doing here, Angel? Is something wrong?"
    She laughed and climbed onto a barstool. "Everything is fine. Now. I finally found a wedding dress and I am sure you'll love it as much as I do. I'd never seen where you're working, and even though it's a temporary job, I thought it would be nice to see it, and you. So give me something virgin."
    He must have looked clueless because she laughed and said, "Non-alcoholic."
    Derek ran his hands through his hair, feeling like a fool. She was pregnant so she couldn't drink the Burgundy she loved. "Of course." He reached for a glass, hesitating over making a choice. "What's your preference? Virgin Mary? Screwdriver? Free wine?"
    "Make me a Kiddy Cocktail. I used to love those and I haven't had one since grade school."
    He chose a short glass, hoping she'd drink just one and make it fast. If she knew he was taking off early…
    "I haven't eaten yet. Do you have good sandwiches here?" Angel asked.
    Derek was beginning to sweat. "Nothing I think would suit your taste."
    "What's wrong? You look pale. Don't you want me here, Derek? Are you expecting someone to come in? Another woman maybe?"
    Angel's eyes flashed and two bright red spots appeared on her suddenly white cheeks.
    "Of course not. I mean I'm not expecting anyone. I don't like to see a woman come in a bar alone, however. It isn't ladylike."
    Angel folded her hands tightly on the bar top. "You certainly have changed since college. I believe that's how we first met."
    "That's the point. I picked you up in a tavern and that's what it appears you are looking for now. A pick-up."
    "I went in there alone because I knew you were there and I wanted to meet you. I came in here tonight because you're my future husband. I'm not a bar hopper out to pick up men."
    "I'm here." George cleared his throat loudly from behind him.
    Derek had been unaware he'd shown up until then. How long had he been standing there? Did he hear Angel say they were going to be married?
    "I'm sorry, Angel," Derek said. "I was out of line."
    She burst into tears and headed for the front door.
    "You seem to have a way with women, Derek. The last one I saw you with left in a huff, but you'd better go after this one if she's your bride-to-be."
    "Yeah, I seem to have turned into a real prick, and I always thought I was a nice guy."
    But he wasn't acting like one tonight, or he'd have tried to catch up with Angel instead of giving her time to start for home before he left Rendezvous.
    I'll make up with Angel, but not right now. I deserve this one time , he told himself as he went out the door and looked around the dark parking lot. Relieved there were no cars with their lights on, which he figured meant she was gone, he climbed into his little Jaguar.
    I'm going to make Angel a good husband and give her a father for her child, but I owe myself just one, mind-blowing fuck with Erin .
    * * *
    Erin paced the floor of her living room, waiting for Derek. He was only a few minutes late but what if he'd changed his mind about coming? Or what if he never intended to show and was trying to make a fool of her?
    She longed for wild, steamy sex with him but, considering he seemed to think she screwed a lot of different guys, maybe she shouldn't fuck

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