The Advent Killer
OK.’ She handed the picture back. ‘He wasn’t a strong suspect, anyway. But we’ll need to see the original of this, and check the dates with passport control.’
    ‘I’m waiting for the Home Office to call me back.’Connor began walking away. ‘And John’s on his way to collect the full set of photos on disc from Ian.’
    ‘Thanks, Eddie,’ Hawkins called as the DS reached the stairs. ‘Good work.’
    She turned back to Mike with a wry smile. ‘But before we give our friend Marcus the great news, let’s see what else he knows.’

    De Angelo had his eyes closed when Hawkins and Maguire re-entered the interview room.
    Mike managed to make him jump by slamming the door. ‘Up and at ’em, Marcus.’
    ‘Let’s continue.’ Hawkins sat down.
    De Angelo stretched. ‘Get me a coffee and I’ll think about it.’
    ‘In a minute.’ She held down the red button on the recording equipment until the light reappeared. ‘Interview resumed at nine forty-eight. Present are Detectives Hawkins and Maguire, and Mr De Angelo. So, Marcus, if you didn’t kill Jessica Anderton, who did?’
    ‘How should I know?’ He yawned. ‘Isn’t it your job to find out?’
    ‘We will,’ Mike said, ‘but this doesn’t need to be tough if we’re smart here.’
    ‘Yeah? How’s that?’
    ‘Look at it like this. You tell us who you think killed Jessica, then we go do some investigating. We bag the guy, he gets convicted and you’re home free.’
    ‘What if I don’t fancy telling you shit?’
    ‘That’s your prerogative, sure enough. But the faster we eliminate you from our enquiries, the sooner you get outta here.’
    Hawkins saw a flicker of anxiety cross De Angelo’sexpression. Mike had obviously seen it, too, as he glanced at her before he continued, his voice suddenly softer: ‘What’s up, Marcus. Don’t you wanna go home?’
    De Angelo’s expression reverted to its original, cocky state, but there had definitely been something there.
    ‘And what made you panic earlier,’ she joined in, ‘sufficiently that you would punch a police officer?’
    ‘I told you.’ De Angelo was struggling to maintain his composure. ‘I’d happily go home. Would’ve been there yesterday except I didn’t want to get banged up. No point sitting around where you lot could find me. Plan was to lay low until you lot caught the guy who did it, yeah? No harm done.’
    ‘Well, no harm done except to one of our officers.’ Hawkins let her expression become more serious. ‘You know this won’t be a short custodial sentence. Assaulting a police officer can land you in jail for up to a year.’
    ‘You can’t put me away for that long! Not for lamping some little prick!’
    ‘Maybe not,’ she continued, ‘but I promise you, Marcus, charges for resisting arrest, attempted assault on a second officer, and withholding evidence without a good reason won’t help your case. And pretty boys like you are always popular in the prison showers.’
    De Angelo sat up a little straighter. ‘What do you mean “without a good reason”?’
    ‘Well,’ she said evenly. ‘Suppose you thought you were putting yourself in physical danger by telling us the truth? That’s why you didn’t come forward, and why you ran. In that case, the charge of withholding evidence might be … overlooked.’
    De Angelo’s gaze drifted into the distance, before he closed his eyes and his head dropped.
    ‘Come on, Marcus.’ Mike’s tone was practically that of an older brother now. ‘We know you didn’t kill Jessica, but let’s get this done so we can all grab some lunch.’
    When De Angelo’s muted reply came, his head stayed down, but the
accent had softened.
    ‘Anderton knew all right? About me and Jess. I don’t know how, but he knew.’
    No wonder Charles Anderton had looked sick during their brief meeting on Tuesday. He had known news of his wife’s affair would surface eventually.
    And even though it provided him with a

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