Brooklyn Secrets

Brooklyn Secrets by Triss Stein Page B

Book: Brooklyn Secrets by Triss Stein Read Free Book Online
Authors: Triss Stein
reception. Ruby moved along briskly as we negotiated the long walk, using her colorful cane only where the sidewalk was uneven. I trotted along, keeping an eye on her balance.
    At reception she announced, “We are here to see Lillian Kravitz. I phoned and was told she could have visitors today.”
    â€œJust give me a moment.” The young woman tapped a few keys and looked up. “Are you Lillian’s family? There is no other visiting until later.”
    â€œYoung lady. I am ninety-one. I can’t wait around until then. And Miss Kravitz,” she added some emphasis, “is also ninety-one. She has no family left at all. Please make the necessary arrangements for my companion and me. This is Erica Donato and I am Dr. Ruby Cohen Boyle”
    Behind Ruby’s back, I tried to look apologetic to the girl at the desk.
    â€œLet me see what I can do.” A few more taps on the keyboard. “Well, why didn’t you say so? You are listed right here as her primary contact. Off you go.” She wrote the room number on a card. “Just follow the green line on the floor.”
    There was Lillian, looking older than when I had last seen her. Older, smaller and frail. Her eyes were closed, but Ruby put a hand on her hand and she came instantly awake.
    â€œHow do you like this? I am dying of cancer, but a stupid fall is what gets me into the hospital!”
    â€œStop the cancer talk, you vain, silly woman. You were trying to get around without your walker, weren’t you? And now you have a broken pelvis.”
    Lillian looked sheepish. “I wake up and I forget. In my dreams I am young. Twenty and ready to jitterbug all night.”
    â€œJust as I thought. When they let you come back, you are going to behave yourself, right?”
    â€œOf course. I’ll do whatever they say.” I noted that the expression on her face did not match her compliant words.
    Ruby exclaimed, “Oh, where are my manners? Look who I brought to see you.”
    â€œMy dear, thank you for coming. It’s good to see a young face.” Did she remember me? My guess was that she was on substantial pain meds and did not.
    â€œNow, dear, how are you eating? Is that your lunch over there?” Ruby leaned across to see the tray.
    â€œSee for yourself.”
    She uncovered bowls of soup, Jell-O, and some kind of cereal.
    â€œWhat is this mess? Do they call this a meal?”
    â€œThey seem to think I need to be on a soft diet. Told them I broke my pelvis not my jaw. I haven’t forgotten how to chew and swallow.”
    â€œWe’ll see about that! I’ll be right back. I’m going to have a discussion with the nurse in charge!”
    Off she went, before I even had a chance to say, “Do you want me to walk with you?”
    Lillian gave me a slow, sly grin. “Now we have a few private minutes to talk.”
    â€œDid you know she would react that way?”
    â€œIt was a good hunch, wasn’t it? Now tell me quickly, have you learned anything?”
    So she did remember me. I reported what I had done, which sadly wasn’t very much. She looked at me with a calm, unemotional, expression.
    â€œI’ll recover from this current stupidity, or so they tell me, but I am running out of time. If I were in better shape—and of course twenty years younger—I’d do it all myself.”
    â€œWhy didn’t you, back then?” I hastily added, “I’m just wondering. Not criticizing or anything.” Though perhaps I was.
    â€œGood question. That would be another whole story.” She smiled and closed her eyes, drugs kicking in.
    â€œLil, darling. Listen to me.” Ruby was back. Lillian opened her eyes slowly, with effort, at the sound of her voice. “The nurse apologized and said you will have a real dinner tonight. And young Erica and I can go to the cafeteria and bring something up for you. What would you like? I’m thinking of a BLT for

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