
Cake by Nicole Reed Page B

Book: Cake by Nicole Reed Read Free Book Online
Authors: Nicole Reed
team is sending a car to deliver him home to his downtown loft. Minutes later, I answer my phone when I notice my aunt calling.
    “So am I buying pink or blue for the baby shower?”
    I’ve become accustom to these funny quips that people love to throw at me.
    “Make it green for the Martian baby I’m going to pop out.”
    “Baby girl, you have provided enough gossip for us old southern biddies to last a lifetime. You wouldn’t believe these chatter-bugs. Of course, most of them are green with envy, so let them be.”
    “I’m sorry that you have to listen to all of this.”
    “Child, I’ve told you for years that you need some excitement. Seems to me, Mr. Savage could definitely provide enough of that for you.”
    Groaning, I reply, “It’s not like that.” I mean that also. Whatever happened in the hospital was pure craziness, and I bet Dray doesn’t even remember it. I’m sure it was the pain meds for him, and I’ve had two nights of electrical loving, courtesy of B.O.B.
    “We shall see. Okay, I’ve got to check on my neighbor Mrs. Willis. Lately, she’s been higher than a Georgia pine and crazier than an old coot. Kisses, Kylie.”
    “Kisses, Aunt Leigh.”
    Clicking my phone off, I return to packing my overnight bag for Dray’s. Plenty of t-shirts, gym shorts, and yoga pants. Nothing lacy, silky, or see through allowed. Keeping it simple and not sexy. I can’t believe that this is something that I’m having to talk myself through in context with Dray. I’ve officially lost my mind.
    I lift my head when I hear my door open and Mads’s voice shouts, “Hey ho, I’m home.”
    Having not spoken to her since our phone conversation, I’m surprised to see her now. I did text her to give her my plans for staying with Dray, but never heard back, which wasn’t a surprise.
    “Back here,” I answer loudly over Jonsie’s barking
    “Listening to Psy makes me want to hump all Asian men,” she casually comments, sitting on my bed. Looking at my face, she replies, “Don’t ask. It’s that Gentleman song.”
    “What are you doing here, Madison?”
    “I’m sorry. Okay? I can’t help how I feel about Trent and Dray. They both drive me fucking insane when it comes to how they treat you.”
    I start to interrupt her when she holds her hands up for me to stop.
    “No, let me finish. You seem to forget that I’ve been right along with you these past seven years, hanging with both of these guys, and I totally get being worried over Dray. I will never admit it to another living being, but there was a moment when I had a slight feeling of anxiousness over whether or not Dray was okay. I mean, without him, the Eagles have a slim chance of making it to the playoffs, and you know how much I love my football.”
    Grabbing her hands and squeezing them, I pull her to me and we both laugh as we hug.
    “Nothing to be sorry about. I just...I have to do this.”
    Shaking her head, she pulls away from me, “Trent is such a little bitch.”
    “Mads,” I say warningly.
    “Peace, love, and chicken grease,” she says, holding up her hand indicating a peace sign. “Call me when you need to hide the body because Dray is going to drive you to drink or to kill the mother-fucker.” Walking out of the room, she turns back one last time, “Love ya, Kylie.”
    Nodding at her, I reply, “Loves you bigger,” as she leaves.
    Groaning, I really need to talk to Mads about the whole Dray situation, but I know I can’t. She is too biased when it comes to him, with much reason to be. And now, I have to wonder which Dray will I get today? The man who loves to torture me endlessly or the lost boy who calls to me? Shaking myself out of my reverie, I remind myself why I am doing this. Dray. No, wait, I mean Trent. Dear sweet baby Jesus. Trent is the reason I am doing this. For him. I reach my hand up to pop my own self in the

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