Undeniable (The Druids Book 1)

Undeniable (The Druids Book 1) by S. A. Archer, S. Ravynheart

Book: Undeniable (The Druids Book 1) by S. A. Archer, S. Ravynheart Read Free Book Online
Authors: S. A. Archer, S. Ravynheart
machine swung the arm inside, slid closed a black, glass screen, and began uttering churning and gushing sounds.
    With that in place, she kicked away from that work bench. The smooth wheels of the stool spun as she propelled herself across the lab. “While that is cooking, let’s see about your other question.” Changing to fresh gloves, she began sorting through the contents spread across a glass table. The milky surface was illuminated from below, casting a soft, but efficient light.
    Frieda began shifting through the contents of one of the large plastic tubs of evidence. “We’ve only just begun to process these, but some items have a maker’s mark. Like these chisels have clear dwarven ruins cast into the metal of the handles.” She placed those aside.
    “With the fey body parts, I am imagining that the fey objects were stolen from their victims.” Granger kept his arms crossed, but leaned over to get a better view. “Look for something not so ornate. Wizards are practical.”
    “Anything recovered with a magic signature ended up in these totes,” Frieda gestured to the stack of plastic containers along the wall.
    Even with the clear sides, the contents of the totes were not easily deciphered from just glancing into them. Regardless, Granger tilted sideways to try and gaze into them. He pointed without actually touching the surface. “Is that a set of keys?”
    Frieda kicked away from the table and canted her head to the side, to the same angle as Granger. Even Patterson, across the room, was leaning that way. “Let’s see shall we?”
    Granger and Patterson deconstructed a section of the wall of totes, to free the one in question, and they hoisted the thing onto the examination table. Curiosity mounting, Granger leaned closer as Frieda withdrew the items to work her way down to the keys at the bottom. Once the set of keys were splayed on the table, Frieda passed her EMF detector over them, getting a moderate spike. “They do hold some kind of energy. Let’s see what sort.”
    “I’m having a hard time imagining one of the fey driving around in a Bentley,” Granger muttered, noting the winged logo on the one car key in the set. These weren’t some random set of keys for file cabinets and closets in an office setting. These were someone’s personal set.
    Frieda moved the keys to a specimen plate, and then slid them into one of the spectrometers. With the flick of a switch, it hummed to life and a series of spikes showed on the screen. “These are fey energy signatures, but see the uniform spread of the arrangement. No natural magic would spread like that.”
    “So it is wizard enchanted,” Patterson whispered, then turned back to the stacks and stacks of totes they had yet to go through. “If all this is either stolen fey items, or items enchanted with stolen fey magic—”
    “Then you are looking at a wholesale massacre of fey on a grand scale.” Frieda agreed.
    Granger picked up the thought, and continued it. “And given that the fey don’t usually live in England these days, they were getting shipped in from some place.” His frown deepened. “These wizards weren’t going to all this trouble just to enchant their cars from theft. They were up to something big.”
    “Until someone stopped them.”
    Granger glanced to Patterson and nodded slowly. “Someone that knows a lot more about what’s going on than we do.” Interpol’s Special Office of Parahumans, Demonics, and Magic wasn’t always the first to know about things, but they weren’t often the last either. “Someone who doesn’t seem too concerned about innocent bystanders getting in the way of vigilante justice. Of the humans inside that building, how many were actually wizards, and how many just clueless employees there to earn a paycheck and feed their families? There is an undercurrent here. The elimination of the wizards in Bristol. The demolition of the Brighter Corporation’s headquarters. Something is brewing here. I

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