Mister Distraction (Distraction #2)

Mister Distraction (Distraction #2) by Stephanie Jean

Book: Mister Distraction (Distraction #2) by Stephanie Jean Read Free Book Online
Authors: Stephanie Jean
side, knowing it was a complete violation of club rules. I moved quickly to untie her, and swept her into my arms. He came back moments later dressed, disgusted by what he was seeing.
    “I am finished with your trash now.” I considered dropping her to beat the shit out of him, but Bettina’s sobbing made me focus my attention only on her. I carried her to a private room and set her on a chair, then went to the corner to get a towel. I sat with her as she cried.
    “Bettina, why didn’t you use your safe word?” She let a nervous laugh break through. “And why didn’t he stop when he heard you crying?”
    “I wanted it to hurt. He wanted me to cry. He said he got off when he heard females crying or begging him to stop. He told me in front of everyone that’s what he wanted from me. He said my only out was my safe word.” I was silent after that. Bettina and I were together for three years and had anal sex only a handful of times, but I was never that violent with her. I knew by the brutal force that he was giving her, she was going to be in pain for a while.
    “Let me take you home.” I was trying to stand her up, but she was still too weak. I walked back to the playroom and grabbed her clothes. I dressed her and carried her to my Jeep. I loaded her up, got in, and started talking.
    “The reason I came here tonight to see you, Bettina—” I heard her groan, irritated by me, and I continued, “I want to tell you I am sorry for the way I treated you all these years.” For some reason, this was harder than I thought. “You deserve someone who will treat you right, Bettina. I am sorry, really, really sorry.”
    “Pfft. What do I say now? I forgive you? Because I don’t.” We pulled in to the apartment, and I got out first to help her out. She pushed me away.
    “I’ll do it myself.” I looked her in the eyes and noticed they were glassed over. I stepped back and watched her get out. She was staggering.
    “Bettina, are you on something again?”
    “Yes, Jason. You left, and the drugs help me not miss you.” She huffed her answer, like it was a stupid question. Her voice was laced with loathing. “What the fuck do you care? I could die and you would still love her more.” I knew she was referring to Jacy. I regretted every day that I told her about Jacy. It was at the beginning of the relationship, and I was drunk. She was telling me how much she loved me. I told her I was in love once, and I tried to make her understand I would never love again.
Fuck, if only I could take it back now
    We were walking through the lobby, almost to the elevator. She continued, “If I did OD, you would have killed me, just like you killed her.” I felt hate spread throughout my body. The doors closed and I gave up trying to steady her. The urge to gag her and tie her down to dominate this foul-mouthed creature was so strong I could barely deny it. My anger boiling again, I closed my eyes and whispered, “Please, Lord, don’t let me hurt her, not with words or by my hands. Please.” She was still ranting about how much damage I had caused to her, but I repeated my prayer.
    “I am not going to fight with you, no matter how hard you try.” She pulled away from me. We reached the apartment and I opened the door, and that’s when she lost it.
    Bo came running to me.
    “Jason, I hate you!” She walked over to me and began hitting me with her fists.
    “I know, Bettina. I am sorry.” I let her hit me for a while without reaction. She began screaming incoherently and breaking things, lights and glasses. She was yelling nasty obscenities and throwing things at me.
    I just kept repeating, “I’m sorry.” Then she walked over to Bo and kicked him hard. Bo’s yelp echoed in my head, and that’s when I reacted. “Stop, Bettina, or I will call the police,” I yelled as I ran up behind her as she repeated her brutal kicking. I picked her up, immobilizing her, tightly wrapping both arms around her. She was flailing in my

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