Calico Brides

Calico Brides by Darlene Franklin

Book: Calico Brides by Darlene Franklin Read Free Book Online
Authors: Darlene Franklin
some kind. That’s a lot of work.”
    “A small one. My friends helped me finish it.” Gladys tugged the two top corners and stretched the quilt out, revealing a log cabin design in shades of blue. “You can use it as a lap rug. That way you can always be cozy and warm. I thought you might like it, going out today.”
    Haydn bent over it, studying the stitches. “You do amazing work.” He had set the table with three plates. “You will join us for breakfast, won’t you?”
    Before Gladys could sit, Haydn blocked her chair. “Will you join me in the parlor for a few moments?”
    Did he have a gift for her? Gladys’s heart beat faster. She hadn’t brought a gift for him.
    Once in the middle of the room, Haydn dropped to one knee. After stumbling back a step, Gladys steadied herself, and Haydn caught hold of her fingertips. “Gladys Polson, you opened my eyes to a love I had never known. How could I help but fall in love with the woman who showed me the love of the Lord every day since I’ve met her? Although I’m not worthy of you, I still dare bare my soul to you. Will you marry me? Be my wife and share my life and my love?”
    “Yes. I’ll even follow you back to Topeka, if that is where God leads you.”
    The tap of a walking cane announced Mr. Keller, carrying his new quilt. “That won’t be necessary.”
    Gladys wondered why Mr. Keller was interrupting this private moment, but she decided she didn’t mind. They waited until he joined them and placed his hands on their arms. “Haydn won’t be going anywhere. He’ll be staying right here and starting a newspaper.” He settled in his chair, and Gladys darted forward to tuck the new quilt around him. “Gladys, I’d like to introduce you to my grandson, Haydn Norman Keller.”
    Haydn grinned somewhat sheepishly. “You don’t object to being a Keller and living here with my grandfather?”
    Gladys looked from one man to the other, comparing those identical sparkling brown eyes. How had she missed it?
    “Gladly. Tomorrow and for the rest of my life.”
    “Kiss her, boy.”
    And Haydn did.

    A soft answer turneth away wrath;

but grievous words stir up anger

Chapter 1
    A nnie Bliss hesitated as Fort Blunt, located about five miles from the town of Calico, came into view. Reaching behind her, she touched the bundle of socks, scarves, and mittens she had knitted for the soldiers stationed there. The idea shimmered like a leaf after the rain when it first occurred to her, but now each clop of her horse’s hooves on the hard ground brought a smidgeon of doubt.
Lord, please let them accept this offering in Your name
    Gladys Polson rode with her. After their sewing circle decided to take on local mission projects, Gladys acted first. Her bravery in reaching out to the town’s curmudgeonly rich hermit encouraged Annie to think of young men serving their country far from home.
    “They’re just boys like my brothers. Nothing to it.” Annie spoke the words as if hearing them out loud would bolster her courage.
    Gladys darted a glance in Annie’s direction before returning her attention to the road ahead. “You’ll be fine.”
    A man’s voice boomed through the thick fortress wall, loud enough for them to catch words here and there. “Poorly laundered…wouldn’t pass inspection by a blind general…”
    Annie took a deep breath. Although the man’s anger frightened her, it also gave her impetus to go ahead. Perhaps God would use her gifts to remind angry soldiers like this one of His goodness.
    The stockade gate swung open and a petite woman came out, her shoulders hunched over with more than the basket full of uniforms. She glanced at the two women on horseback with a wan smile. “Good day.”
    A burly figure lumbered away from the gate, each footfall echoing his words to the trembling woman in front of them.
    Even if the woman was a poor laundress, she didn’t deserve the soldier’s anger. Annie said,

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