Callie Marries Four Brothers
bachelor parties in the area. It was one of the perks of the
New Way.
    “ All the girls are coming?”
Jocelyn nodded. It was customary for every girl in the class to be
at the party. “Even Jasmine?” Callie insisted.
    Jocelyn nodded. “I had to
invite her, and she sent an RSVP saying yes.”
    Jasmine had been Callie’s
nemesis since kindergarten. She’d always lorded it over her that
she was the only kid with a living mother in the whole class. She’d
only gotten worse over the years.
    Callie sighed. “Just keep
her away from me.” She didn’t need to deal with Jasmine and pre-wedding
    “ I will. I talked to a
bunch of the other girls she’s been mean to as well, and we’re all
going to work at keeping her as far from you as we can.”
    “ Thanks. You’re the best
friend a girl could have!”
    “ So….how nervous are you
about tomorrow night?”
    Callie blushed. “Really
nervous. I mean, Daniel is the only one of the brothers that I
really know, and I have to have sex with all four tomorrow night.”
If it could just be Daniel tomorrow, and then the others one per
night after, that would work out better for her.
    “ I know. I’m really
fortunate that I know all five of the men I’m marrying next month.
They’ve been courting me for two years.”
    “ Yeah, I wished the
Simpsons had taken the time to do that. Daniel comes around every
Saturday night, and we talk, but I’ve never even kissed him. The
only man I’ve ever kissed is my father, and that doesn’t count!”
She wished now that she’d taken the initiative to kiss Daniel. At
least then she wouldn’t feel so totally lost now.
    “ I know. I love that they
each come over one by one, and take me out. I’ve had great make-out
sessions with all of them,” she said with a grin.
    “ I think they all know I’m
too shy for that. I do good to hold Daniel’s hand when he comes
    “ You know that you’re going
to have to give me every detail on Thursday!”
    Callie blushed again. “I’m
not sure I’ll be able to talk about it.” She’d try, though. It was
her duty as the oldest girl in her graduating class.
    “ You have to! It’s not like
I have a mother to talk to me about it. At least your aunt answered
all of your questions for you.”
    “ I was really fortunate
that she lived through the Pandemic,” Callie agreed.
    That chatted through the
rest of their brief lunch period about Jocelyn’s plans for the
    It was a fun evening. Callie
enjoyed having the other girls gathering around her, talking about
how exciting it was that she was going to be married in less than
twenty-four hours.
    In a perfect world, Callie
would have gone off to college the following year, because she
wanted to be a teacher more than anything. Of course, women were
forbidden to work, instead they stayed home and cooked and cleaned,
and had as many children as possible. The world was totally
different than it had been just a generation ago.
    On the positive side, women
were now in charge of their homes, and ruled them with an iron
fist. As long as she followed the laws regarding conjugal rights,
she could expect all of her orders to be obeyed by her
    Jasmine made her way over to
Callie half-way through the party. She flicked her long blond hair
over her shoulder. “I’m sure you’re nervous. Too bad you don’t have
a mother to talk to you about the proper way to behave on your
wedding night.”
    Callie smiled sweetly. “My
aunt has had several long talks with me about it, but I appreciate
your concern.”
    Jasmine shrugged. “I’m glad
I’m not marrying anyone like the Simpson brothers. They all work
with their hands, you know.”
    “ There’s nothing wrong with
having strong hands touching my body every night.”
    Jasmine rolled her eyes and
walked away obviously convinced that Callie wasn’t going to rise to
the bait tonight.
    Jocelyn came out of the
restroom just as Jasmine left. “What did she say?”

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