Vampire Hunt (Kiera Hudson Series #3)
wiped out all of those vampires, then confessed to knowing the person – your mate, Sparky – who then murdered all those half-breed children, killed the old woman, and took Doc Ravenwood.’
    “But,” I started.
    “Think about it, Colombo,” he said, “I don’t think Murphy trusts him, either.” Then gently kissing me on the mouth again, he turned, left the outhouse and disappeared into the darkness.
    No, it’s you that Murphy doesn’t trust, I thought, reminding myself of the conversation I’d overheard between them. Then, making sure that I couldn’t be seen by Murphy and the giant, I made my way back to the signal box.

Chapter Thirteen
    I arrived back at the signal box to find Luke awake. He was sitting with his back against the far wall. Isidor was still asleep on the floor, and Potter sat away from them, staring at me from within the darkness.
    “Where did you get to?” Luke asked me as I closed the signal box door behind me.
    Snatching a sideways glance at Potter then back at Luke, I lied and said, “I just needed a leg stretch.”
    Then, holding out a hand towards me he said, “Are you okay? You look kinda…”
    “I’m just tired,” I said, taking his hand and sitting beside him on the dusty floorboards. “I didn’t sleep too well.”
    “Nightmares?” he asked, leaning forward and kissing me on the forehead. I could see his concern for me and I hated myself.
    I nodded.
    “Want to talk about it?”
    “No, I’m okay,” I half-smiled. “Maybe later.”
    Then the door to the signal box swung open and Murphy stepped inside with that lopsided walk of his. “Pack up, we’re leaving,” he almost seemed to bark at us. That same gritty determination I’d sensed in him since the death of his daughters, now almost seeping from him.
    Dusting down his trousers, Potter stood and said, “Sarge, you’ve led us across pretty much all of England over the last few weeks and we’ve followed you without question – but where are you taking us? Aren’t we meant to be finding Kayla?”
    Glancing around the room at us, Murphy said, “I know where Kayla is, our search for her is nearly over.”
    Scrambling to my feet and going to him, I said, “Where is she?”
    “Not far from here,” he told me.
    Gripping his forearm, I stared at him and said, “Where, exactly?”
    “I’ll show you,” he said, turning away and running one of his powerful hands through his silver hair.
    Coming to stand next to me, Luke said, “But Sarge, how did you find her?”
    “We haven’t been the only ones searching for her,” Murphy said, not looking back at us.
    “Who else then?” Potter said, looking across at Luke and me with a puzzled look on his face.
    “Somebody who owed me a favour – a debt – and it was time to collect.”
    “Who?” Luke asked him.
    “Don’t ask me that,” he said turning to face us. “You’re like family to me. I would never do anything to hurt you -”
    “But…” Potter cut in.
    “No buts,” Murphy said. “I can’t tell you who it is that has helped find Kayla…”
    “Does this have something to do with that trust-thing again?” Potter said, his voice sounding bitter, almost resentful.
    Staring at him hard with his sharp, blue eyes, Murphy said, “Wake the kid up, we’re leaving.” Then Murphy swung the door open and disappeared outside.
    I looked at Luke and he shrugged.
    The thought of seeing Kayla again was too much to resist, so turning, I headed straight for the door. As I did, I heard a deep groaning sound of pain. Looking to my left, I watched Potter pull his foot back and kick Isidor in the side, as he slept on the floor.
    “Wake up, sleeping beauty,” he snapped. “We’re outta here.”
    Leaving Isidor on the floor clutching his side looking confused and dazed, Potter popped a cigarette into the corner of his mouth and left the signal box.
    Within minutes, we had gathered outside. Murphy, as we had come to expect, was standing off to one side on his own,

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