Can't Go Home (Oasis Waterfall)

Can't Go Home (Oasis Waterfall) by Angelisa Denise Stone Page A

Book: Can't Go Home (Oasis Waterfall) by Angelisa Denise Stone Read Free Book Online
Authors: Angelisa Denise Stone
Tags: Contemporary
comes to her in Charleston, which I prefer the most. I hate that she chose this avenue, but I can’t judge her for the choices she makes. I just have to be the friend she deserves and pray like crazy that she’s happy and safe.
    I do have to admit; she’s pretty good. Sydney actually made me sit down and watch her movies, all 17 of them. It was the most uncomfortable I’ve ever been in my life, but she said that if I were a true friend, then I’d watch them and not look away. I’m scarred for life and may remain celibate for eternity, but at least I have the title “true friend.” When she is recognized in public, Sydney’s usually mortified—if I’m with her. When she’s recognized without me around, Sydney disappears, and Ivy becomes the life of the party or the restaurant or the gas station, wherever she happens to be.
    Overall, Syd’s a pretty good actress with a killer body. If she were more ambitious, then she could’ve been a real model or a real actress, but she’s not. I’ve accepted it—for the most part. I just pray that someday soon some rich mogul will snatch her up, marry her, and take her out of this lifestyle. I don’t want this to be her forever; Syd deserves way more than that. Plus, I don’t know how long the career of a porn star can really last.

    “Good morning, Pebbles. I’d have brought you a coffee, but I know you don’t like it,” I say, leaning against the building as Kathryn gets out of her car.
    “Hmmm … I’ve nothing clever to say,” Kathryn responds, frowning. “I’m exhausted; I was up all night talking about this guy I went out with last night.” My heart rate quickens, which pisses me off, because I don’t want to be that guy, that whipped douchebag, that I could so easily turn into in her presence.
    “Yeah, I heard you were with a pretty irresistible guy last night,” I brag.
    “Really? You heard that? Hmmmm … that’s interesting. He was actually very resistible. I spent the evening at my girlfriend’s house,” she counters.
    “Ouch,” I say, grabbing my heart. “I guess I’ll just drink this extra-sweet sweet tea myself then.” I start to bring the straw to my lips.
    “Man, I’d do anything for that sweet tea and caffeine,” she teases, eyeing the drink in my hand.
    “Anything?” I say, grinning. “Have lunch with me today, then.”
    “Done! Now hand over the tea,” she says, greedily. I hand her the cup, but leave my hand on it. Our fingers overlap, and all of my senses kick into gear, revving up. Goddamn, I’m losing it.
    “So Dre, did ya roll out of bed and sprint over here to see me this morning? I wouldn’t have minded if you showered and changed,” she asks, pointing out that I’m sporting the same outfit that I wore last night—and to bed.
    “You could say that,” I admit sheepishly. “Or you could say that I’m about to go work out with my buddy at his hotel and plan to shower and shave after the workout … to take you to lunch.”
    “Sounds like an excellent plan,” Kathryn smiles as she turns to enter the building. “However, if I were you, I’d leave out that silly shaving part. Some girls like a little scruff. I know one in particular who does.”
    “ Duck Dynasty here I come,” I threaten.
    “I wouldn’t go that far,” she says before entering the building.

    After Rory and I worked out, I head over to Ariss’ Oyster Oasis to help Lanette Ariss with a few odds and ends around the restaurant before it opens. When I first got to Charleston about a year ago, I stumbled into the Oasis for a drink, just as they were closing for the night. Lanette was the only “front of the house” person working since it was so near closing time. A couple that occupied the booth in the back got into a pretty heated argument. The guy started roughing up his girlfriend, and Lanette tried to break it up. The bastard pushed Lanette back, and she fell backward, hitting her head on the bar. I’d had a pretty

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