Capturing Today (TimeShifters Book 2)

Capturing Today (TimeShifters Book 2) by Jessica Keller, Jess Evander

Book: Capturing Today (TimeShifters Book 2) by Jessica Keller, Jess Evander Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jessica Keller, Jess Evander
Besides Eddie, no one sticks out to me. Although, I’ve never been very good at getting a sense of what I’m supposed to do or who I should save. But Eddie is key, right? He’s a Pairing. So he needs to be kept safe.
    I purse my lips together. There has to be more than just keeping Eddie safe. Besides, Eddie’s a pretty substantial man. It’s not like I can lock him in a trunk for the rest of the war. I glance back over at Michael. He won’t make it in his condition until the war ends.
    Stop thinking like that.
    The Shades.
    I slam my hand over my mouth, covering the loud gasp that almost escaped. How did I forget about them? After Michael collapsed, the Shades parading around No Man’s Land went to the back of my mind. And it’s not like Michael’s up for engaging in a discussion. Besides, he’d tell me to stay away from them. He’d try to hide me and keep me safe.
    Well, it’s my turn to watch out for him.
    Okay, no more wasting time. I have to tell Eddie about the Shades. He’s the only person who will understand. Maybe he’ll even know what to do.
    Tugging a coat out of the trunk, I slip my arms into the sleeves as I walk out of the tent.  Yes, I realize I’m going against my and Michael’s pact to stay within grabbing distance of each other. But I have no choice. And I’m not that concerned. Honestly, if Nicholas never saw fit to shift me before, he’s not about to suddenly find favor with me and do it now. At least, I’m fairly certain he won’t.
    It’s a chance I have to take.
    Oh. The rain stopped. A bleeding sun dips low on the horizon. Midnight clouds dot the sky, turning it into a patchwork quilt of cloud spaces and star spaces. Despite the late hour, soldiers still mill around. By the end of the row of tents, my shoes are waterlogged with mud. Is mudlogged a thing?
    I spot the man with missing fingers and wave him over. A better person would find out his name, but I can’t bring myself to ask. See, if I learn his name, I’ll be tempted to look him up when I’m researching someday. What if he dies in some horrible manner? What if I learn that I could have rescued him from a ghastly fate and didn’t? It’s better not knowing.
    Believe me.
    Dirt spackling his face, he smiles at me. “What can I do for you, Mrs. Pace?”
    Right. To him I’m Michael’s wife. Whatever.
    I open my mouth to speak, but my words stick. I don’t know Eddie’s last name. How can I ask him to help me find someone when I don’t even know his last name?
    At least try.
    I take a breath and start over. “I need to locate a soldier. It’s a matter of utmost importance. You do understand?”
    When I was back home, I made a strict rule for myself: only period films. Hopefully, picking up some of the phrases and way of speaking will pay off. They have to be good for something because they’ll never be my first choice for entertainment.
    I must’ve done okay because the man gives me a solemn nod, encouraging me to continue.
    “Now, the matter is sensitive, and I don’t have an ideal amount of information for you to work off.”
    “I’ll do my best, ma’am.”
    “Michael said you would.” Well, he didn’t, but I’m sure he would.
    “Doctor Pace said that?” His voice carries a note of awe.
    I skirt my eyes away from his. “There is an American soldier named Eddie who was working a machine gun today in the trenches. Unfortunately, that’s all the detail I am able to provide for you. But I need to speak with the man immediately.”
    “Eddie? I believe Eddie Warren is at the front. They move in shifts, you see. He’s the only man with that name I can think of.”
    “Do you believe you could locate him for me?”
    “Well, sure, Mrs. Pace. I’d be proud to.”
    I position myself outside the tent that’s functioning as a mess hall and wait. Of course I could have gone down to the trenches myself and looked for him, but I’m pretty sure that wouldn’t be seen as appropriate. Today they let me go to the

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