Cards & Caravans

Cards & Caravans by Cindy Spencer Pape Page A

Book: Cards & Caravans by Cindy Spencer Pape Read Free Book Online
Authors: Cindy Spencer Pape
Tags: Romance Speculative Fiction
that you’re exhausted and overwrought from you ordeal.”
    Belinda shook her head. “Still, that’s no excuse for poor behavior. Thank you for your indulgence.”
    “It sounds like sufficient grounds for requesting an appeal to be heard by the High Court,” William said. “I’ll telephone the Home Office and begin the process. Connor, Fergus, after the party tomorrow, I’d like you to continue to look into this witch-finder business. If we have someone deliberately killing off people with talents, we need to know about it.”
    “Yes, sir.” Connor tipped his head to his grandfather.
    “Of course,” Fergus said. “One thing that might be a problem, here, Father, is that the squire Connor talked to was correct on one count. Witchcraft is still defined on the books as a parish matter. Legally, if they find her before the appeal is granted, they could have standing to carry out the sentence. We’ll need to keep Mrs. Danvers well hidden for the time being.”
    “I’ve been thinking about that.” Connor drew in a deep breath. “Also, based on that, she may not have formal grounds for an appeal, which would be a nightmare.”
    “True, unfortunately.” William studied Connor’s face. “What’s your solution?”
    Connor looked around the table, then at Belinda. “I believe Belinda and I should marry, immediately.”
    Belinda choked on her tea.
    Around the table, shocked silence reigned. Connor patted her on the back until she stopped coughing.
    “You’re mad,” she finally sputtered once she’d gasped in some air.
    Everyone else seemed to hold their breath.
    Finally, Evelyn nodded. “He’s right. It’s the perfect solution”
    “That’s ridiculous.” Maura turned to Connor’s father for support. “Tell him, Fergus. This is lunacy.”
    Fergus, however, looked across at his own mother. “Are you certain?”
    Evelyn shrugged. “It’s the Sight, not a science. But Connor is a grown man with a sharp mind and fine instincts. Don’t discount them because he’s young.”
    “The Sight?” Belinda gawked at Evelyn. “Marriage? This entire family is full of Bedlamites. And I’m the one accused of witchcraft?”
    William smiled at her. “While it must seem that way, I assure you, we’re all sane, at least for the most part. Since you have some magickal talent of your own, I don’t know why you’d be surprised that my wife inherited a touch of precognition.” He laced one gnarled hand through his wife’s and she smiled at him sweetly. Connor wanted what they had—or at least something close.
    Belinda conceded with a tip of her head.
    William continued, every inch the patriarch. “From a legal standpoint, Connor’s conclusion is valid. The arrest warrants and trial documents are for a widow named Danvers, who lives in Shadwick. A change of name and address, at the very least, will muddy jurisdiction enough to insure that the High Court will be forced to sort things out. Frankly, with our family’s connections, the High Court will most likely dismiss the case at that stage, based on my recommendations. I’m frequently called in to consult on supernatural offenses. That’s one of the main duties of the Order.”
    Connor’s mother and sisters began shouting denials and arguments, while his grandparents gazed at Connor and Belinda. Fergus simply patted his wife’s shoulder and looked troubled. Connor gripped Belinda’s hand, his spine rigid.
    Finally, Fergus cleared his throat. “Are you sure, son?”
    “Yes.” Connor had thought this through and hadn’t a doubt in his mind. Without releasing her hand, he dropped down on one knee. “I am entirely certain, both that she is innocent and that we’ll be content. Belinda, will you do me the honor of becoming my wife?”
    “You’re barking mad.” She shook her head and looked around at the others. “Every one of you. You’re all stark, raving insane.”
    “No,” Connor said, her hand still clutched in his. “The fact that Nan agrees

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