SEX Unlimited: Volume 3 (Unlimited #3)

SEX Unlimited: Volume 3 (Unlimited #3) by Kathryn Perez

Book: SEX Unlimited: Volume 3 (Unlimited #3) by Kathryn Perez Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kathryn Perez

    I’m laying here full of yummy pizza and feeling gluttonous. When Brisban walks in the room holding the fluffiest, most delectable looking cupcakes I almost die on the spot.
    I rub my hand back and forth over my stomach. “You’re going to make me way fatter than I’m already going to be. You know that? Cupcakes need to stay far away from me…especially after all that pizza.”
    “It’s one cupcake. Not only that, it is the BEST damn cupcake you will ever eat in your life. These cupcakes are my weakness. You and these cupcakes are almost one because you make me weak in the knees too.”
    “Are you comparing me to a cupcake?” I laugh.
    “Just wait until you taste it and I assure you’ll be honored.” He sits on the edge of the bed and I kick playfully at him.
    “These better be damn good cupcakes then. I don’t know how I feel being compared to a baked good.”
    He swipes the top of one cupcake with his finger. “Here first you have to taste this icing. Open up.”
    I open my mouth and lean forward, wrapping my lips around his finger when he brings it closer. The sugary, creamy, white icing hits my taste buds and I swirl my tongue around his finger slowly. He’s right. If the cupcake is anything like the silky goodness I taste right now I might be in trouble. He watches me as I suck on his finger and clearly starts getting turned on. His cock is coming back to attention. I love the affect I can so easily have on him.
    “Mmm,” I say leaning back and licking my lips. “You’re right. That’s pure sinfulness.”
    He looks down to his almost fully aroused cock and then back to me. “I agree.”
    “Now, who’s being dirty?” I ask playfully.
    “Hey, you’re the one with the magical mouth and tongue. You did that,” he nods towards his dick, “I have no control over it when you do things like suck on my finger the same way you suck on it. Not that I’m complaining, in any way at all.”
    We laugh together and he leans forward holding the cupcake to my mouth. “Here, back to the important stuff; the best cupcake in the world. Open up.”
    As soon as I bite into the soft bundle of velvet, a mixture of flavors explode in my mouth. My brows go up and then I close my eyes savoring the taste.
    “I told you. You can’t even deny it. It’s so good, it’s evil.”
    Opening my eyes I lick my lips nodding. “Oh God, that is dangerous right there. What is it?”
    “It’s double chocolate, red velvet from a little bakery on the south side of town. They know me by name there.”
    “Don’t give me the address because this could be very bad for my figure if I ever find out exactly where these are.”
    He laughs and reaches out, swiping a crumb from the corner of my mouth with his finger. “You can have all the cupcakes you want. Nothing can change how beautiful you are. No matter how much weight you gain, you’re going to be perfectly gorgeous to me.”
    He leans in and gives me a chaste kiss. “I don’t know how I ever got so lucky to find you,” I tell him.
    “You aren’t lucky. We are lucky.”
    I wrap my arms around him. He leans to the side, setting the cupcakes on the bedside table. “I love you,” I whisper. “I think I loved you before I even knew you. There’s no way this wasn’t destined to happen for us. It’s too good to have not been fate.”
    He hugs me back. “I don’t know if it was fate or luck or chance. All I know for sure is…it’s real. I’ve never felt such a strong depth of happiness in love as I do right now, in this moment, with you. You feel like home to me. I haven’t had a home in so long. You’re my forever home, Candace.”
    His voice cracks and he goes silent. His body jerks ever so subtly and I think he’s crying. I pull back. “Brisban?”
    He shakes his head and I see the tears. “Why are you crying? God, you can’t cry. I am already an emotional and hormonal mess. You’re going to make me lose it.”
    His beautiful caramel eyes

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