Carinae Sector: 02 - Admiral's Fury - Part 2 - Hidden Menace

Carinae Sector: 02 - Admiral's Fury - Part 2 - Hidden Menace by David Buck Page A

Book: Carinae Sector: 02 - Admiral's Fury - Part 2 - Hidden Menace by David Buck Read Free Book Online
Authors: David Buck
something else that was worrying him.
    ‘So these humans, apart from their dangerous weapons have no reason to be in these oceans? Also I assume that their current technology cannot easily locate us?
    Altarebe now slowly lined up one of the conduit manifolds with his smaller manipulators, he was grateful that Seliandre remained still and silent, as the Maveen probe answered his two questions.
    ‘Altarebe, the suppression field is more than a match for most vassal technology let alone the more primitive human technology. The field is assisted by a natural series of thermo clines in the oceans that render the seabed invisible even to active scanners. However the queen has mined several sections of the seafloor many years ago and subtle traces of those works may still remain. Since the Traders visiting this world the humans have been focusing their efforts on space exploration and building up their defences. Finally Seliandre and I managed to get this area of the sea bed set aside earlier as a marine park by the humans.’
    Altarebe was amazed by the last statement and paused in his meticulous repairs as he evaluated this disclosure. He thought frantically about his earlier discussions in space with first Omerio, and then later the Sspol and Maveen. Realising that he would have to say something gracious, he asked another couple of questions after first expressing his amazement.
    ‘That is incredible, to think that the humans have been steered electronically to avoid this area. I just wish we could apply that concept to the vassals at a later stage. Now then can we identify the humans that would be most interested in the arrival of a Maveen probe? Also can we later steer them with scientific advances to their military technology?’
    Seliandre now answered his questions as he noted she was easily keeping the sled absolutely still.
    ‘The humans have an arrogant streak and assume they are alone on this world. They could never know of the Maveen’s real purpose. If the probe launches in three days time we can readily approach one of the human senior researchers in space ship design. We have been aware of this human for some time and he recently obtained more advanced technology from the original two Trader sneak ships left on this world.’
    Altarebe kept silent for several moments as he was getting to the tricky part of his repair efforts. He widened his grasp of the manifold and one of his outer manipulators softly brushed against one of Seliandre’s larger manipulators. He stammered a soft acoustic apology as he noted the sled had remained perfectly still.
    ‘My apologies beloved, for the repair is indeed tricky. The manifold is roughly fixed but I need my special thermal welder to finish the repairs.’
    Seliandre spoke softly at first just for his benefit, before issuing one of her sisters an instruction.
    ‘No problem at all consort and that will be the first of many caresses I should think. Cliade, please bring over the thermal welder you emptied from the cargo locker in the sled.’
    Cliade slowly approached and offered him the thermal welder, as Altarebe spoke again to move the conversation along.
    ‘Now I will have to avoid getting the manifolds too hot to avoid distortion, but the sled should be as good as new afterwards. I noted one of the side bulkheads is also damaged and from my briefings this area houses the sled’s advanced electronics.’
    The Maveen probe extended a thin sensor antenna and interrogated the sled’s command interface. The ancients stopped their repair efforts as probe spent several minutes performing a more detailed diagnostic routine. Altarebe’s satisfaction with their efforts took a nose dive as the probe spoke.
    ‘The advanced electronics and main computer are intact, although they are in emergency low power mode as the compartment is flooded. The sled cannot be flown into space unless this compartment is sealed and this can only be completed out of the water.’
    Seliandre felt

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