Carnal Series 1 - Carnal lesson

Carnal Series 1 - Carnal lesson by Harper Vonna

Book: Carnal Series 1 - Carnal lesson by Harper Vonna Read Free Book Online
Authors: Harper Vonna
Tags: Romántica
She’d do anything for the delicious end to hot inescapable anticipation.      
    Her restless steps took her to the window where humid air pressed on her overheated flesh. Barely able to breathe, she paced to the bed only to recoil from what it represented. Seconds later she stood next to the sawhorse. If only she had use of her hands! Damn it, she’d straddle it and press her pussy against the horizontal bar, rub her clit on it until her body did what it needed to.
    Back in the middle of the room, she tried to take inventory. The pulsations weren’t painful in of themselves. What discomfort she felt—and there was a lot—centered on the breasts she now hated. Her shoulders ached and she’d rubbed her wrists raw.
    Her innards were being attacked, her understanding of herself as a woman rewritten. She’d climax if she let down her guard but then what? The rapidly-moving monster would still be inside her. Endlessly working her. Making her crazy.
    Would her captor eventually take pity on her? She almost laughed at the desperate question. He was an operative, a well-paid dominant doing what his employer wanted him to. He didn’t see her as a human being.
    Neither did whoever was behind this.
    Before the word torture could take too big a bite out of her, she stalked as close as she could to the camera.
    Go to hell she told whoever was watching. One day I’ll be free, and when I am, I’ll find and kill you.  
    Flames licked up her vagina. It had taken all her strength to confront her unseen assailant. As a result, she lacked the necessary resolve to stand up to the relentless vibrator. The never-ending movements radiated throughout her. Even her toes, fingers, and ears were turned on.
    The climax slammed into her, knocking her first to her knees and then onto her side. Fighting her throbbing nipples, she curled up as best she could and lost herself in what began as relief but soon became a kind of rage. Her pussy muscles kept fucking the vibrator until she was exhausted. The dildo didn’t care of course. It was relentless in contrast to her weary short-circuiting system.
    After what felt like forever, her vagina’s clenching slowed and then stopped. Because the artificial attack continued, she found no relief. Taunting her with its cruel promise, her body started to respond again.   
    A moan slipped out of her as she fought her way back onto her knees. Unable to stand without use of her hands, she sagged forward and waited. She’d always loved the hard, hot moments right before her body fell apart, yet she’d never been multi-orgasmic.
    That was great fun, her body had always announced, but I’m pooped and need to rest. Call me later, much later.  
    There wasn’t going to be any rest or a later, not with Reno’s tool trapped inside her.
    The second forced explosion crawled over her, all but tearing her apart. Something threw her about, clawing and issuing commands. When, finally, her body had nothing more to give, she filled her lungs. A little stronger, she started knee-walking toward the bed. One thought dominated. The next time a climax attacked, and it would, she didn’t want her tormentor to see her writhing on the floor.
    Crying, she knelt as straight as she could, rested an elbow on the bed, and leveraged herself to her feet. She’d never been this tired, but sleep had been stripped from her. She belonged to someone else.
    Sexual hunger rising again.
    Chapter Eleven
    His subject was pretty much ruined all right, Reno concluded. She probably didn’t give a damn what he’d been up to, but he’d only briefly taken his attention off her image in his computer’s video feed during her hour-long stint in hell. Even after all this time with the same job , watching a subject suffer still turned him on, but that wasn’t the only reason he knew she’d come a total of six times. She wouldn’t be good to anyone if her heart stopped. He was responsible for keeping her alive.

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