Carpathian 05 - Dark Challenge

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Aidan Savage. He and his lifemate reside in San Francisco." His white teeth gleamed. His golden eyes burned her.
    Something in that intense, possessive, hungry gaze made her knees go weak. Desari pressed backward until she was against a solid wall to help hold her up. "Savage. Somehow it suits you."
    He acknowledged her words as if they were a great compliment, bowing once more at the waist in his courtly manner. "Only to my enemies, piccola , never to those under my protection."
    "Is that supposed to put me at ease?" she asked.

    Generated by ABC Amber LIT Conv erter,
    "You have nothing to fear from me, Desari."
    His hand brushed her face in the lightest of caresses; she felt a jolt of electricity right down to her toes.
    He was too intense, too hungry for her, his eyes burning with need. Desari lowered her lashes, trying to shut him out, trying to prevent him from trapping her with his power and need. This was so dangerous.
    Could she risk his life? Risk Darius for a momentary pleasure? Could she possibly be that selfish?
    "I scare you to death." He said it with certainty, his voice soft and hypnotic, beautiful and soothing.
    "More than your fear for your brother or for me, you fear what will happen if you part from me."
    She took a deep breath, found her hands were trembling, and put them behind her back. "Perhaps you are right. Why risk so much for so short a time?"
    His hand framed one side of her face, his thumb feathering over her soft skin, absorbing the perfection of it before finding a resting place over the frantically beating pulse in her neck.
    Desari's heart nearly stopped. Her words came out strangled. "You cannot touch me like this."
    His thumb moved back and forth in a hypnotic rhythm over her pulse. "I can do no other than touch you, Desari. I am, after all, a Carpathian male. You cannot see yourself, in that dress you wear, with your hair tumbling around you. You are so beautiful, it hurts to look at you."
    "Julian, please do not say such things to me," she whispered into his palm.
    "It is only the truth, cara , nothing for you to fear. Come with me."
    His voice was such temptation. She had never wanted anything more in her life. The pull between them was electric. She swore she could hear it sizzle and arc. She stood there in silence, his hand against her skin sending waves of heat rushing through her blood. In all her centuries she had never experienced such a thing.
    "Desari, you know it is right. You feel it. I promise to return you to your family safe and sound this rising." Julian was aware of the men gathering outside her door. Three of them. One was her formidable brother, the other two members of the band. "We do not have much time, piccola . The others are about to break through the door." He waved a hand in a peculiar pattern, then held his palm out toward the door.
    "I cannot."
    "Then I must stay here and convince you," he said unhurriedly, calmly. As if his death weren't imminent at the hands of her protective family.
    She clutched his arm. "You must go before this thing escalates into violence. Please, Julian."
    He could hear her heart beating wildly. He bent his head to hers, his mouth curving into a genuine smile.
    "Come to me. Promise you will meet me at the small tavern three blocks from here."
    There was a loud popping sound from the other side of the door, and someone—it sounded like Barack—swore aloud. They could both hear Darius reprimand him softly, "I told you not to touch the door. Have some respect." His voice was low and hypnotic. "Desari?" He didn't raise his voice but rather dropped it to a whisper. "Open the door for us."

    Generated by ABC Amber LIT Conv erter,
    "Go out the window," Desari insisted, pushing at the wall of Julian's chest. It was a mistake to touch him; he instantly responded by covering her hand with his, trapping her palm against his heavy muscles.
    "I came through the door, cara

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