Catherine Nelson - Zoe Grey 02 - The Trouble with Theft
suddenly respected this woman and her determination. I didn’t
understand what was going on, and once I did, I might not like what she’s
defending, but I did respect her.
    “It’s better not to
find out.” She tried again to shut the door.
    I held it open. “I’ll
help her if I can.”
    Then I stepped back
and let go of the door. Grandma Porter gave me one last look then disappeared
inside. The door closed, and I heard the deadbolt slide home.
    I stood on the porch
for a beat, staring at the door. I had no idea what had just happened, but I
couldn’t shake the feeling it was significant. And I needed to figure it out in
a hurry. My deadline for finding Danielle Dillon was quickly approaching, and
it seemed now there was more going on that I’d originally suspected. But, then,
that was par for the course.
    One of my very first cases as a bond
enforcement agent had been nothing but a series of dead ends, questions with no
answers, and strikeouts. Blue and I had tracked that FTA for a week and a half,
chasing rumors and shadows, banging our heads against the walls. We were the
fourth to look into the case, and no one expected results; the bond company was
ready to take the loss. Even Blue threw in the towel, moving on to more
certain—and lucrative—hunts.
    In the end, I found
him. Or, technically, he found me . I’d been doing some late-night
grocery shopping at King Soopers, the only twenty-four-hour option aside from
Wal-Mart (and I hate Wal-Mart). I’d been picking up toothpaste when I saw the
guy stroll by with his shopping cart. A chase (mercifully brief) ensued, and a
small spectacle (a tackle and quick wrestling match) transpired, but I brought
him in.
    So far, I have not
failed to bring in an FTA. One way or another, I always pull it out. More often
than not, it’s because the people I’m looking for happen to walk right by me.
And I had very little doubt I’d find Danielle Dillon. What I seriously doubted
was that I could do it in two more days.
    I spent an hour on the
computer doing more research, then I did some mundane housework and went to
bed. I lay in the dark, staring up at the ceiling, my brain busy. Thoughts
buzzed inside it like a swarm of bees. But I didn’t try very hard to quiet it
and go to sleep, fearing whatever nightmare this night had in store for me.
    After an indeterminate
length of time, I sat up and switched on the light. I retrieved the handcuffs
from my bag and went down to the living room, flipping on a lamp and the TV. I
found a rerun of MacGyver and pulled the bobby pin out of my hair,
letting my bangs fall across my forehead. Then I cuffed my hands behind my back.
    I had been something
of an unruly teenager. I got in trouble for a few things that weren’t exactly
legal, and I did a whole lot of other things I never got caught for. A lot of
these things usually began with breaking and entering. Lock picking became
something of a hobby. When I’d been kidnapped, my abductors had used handcuffs.
I’d freed myself, but it had taken longer than I would have liked. My skills
had gotten rusty.
    Always one to learn
from the past, I’d taken to practicing. Because of my shoulder, I hadn’t been
able to cuff my hands behind my back until two weeks ago. Now, my breakout time
was once again respectable, nearing impressive.
    A new episode of MacGyver had just started when headlights flashed through the front window. I quickly
freed myself then set the cuffs on the coffee table. Probably my visitor was
Ellmann, but on the off chance it wasn’t, I thought it best not to be
    Ellmann and I have
only been dating about two months. Actually, we’ve only known one another for about
two months. In the big picture, two months isn’t very long, but near-death
experiences tend to speed up the getting-to-know-you process. And Ellmann
continues to prove I can trust him. He knows some of my secrets, and he has a
key to my house. He also keeps a toothbrush and some

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