Certified Cowboy

Certified Cowboy by Rita Herron Page A

Book: Certified Cowboy by Rita Herron Read Free Book Online
Authors: Rita Herron
Rachel’s ear off while she’d helped Ms. Ellen prepare dinner, thankfully oblivious for the moment of the turmoil eating at her.
    The beef Stroganoff smelled delicious, the peach pies intoxicating, reminding her of the years before her parents died. And the family life she’d so wanted for her own.
    Her mother had liked to bake, had especially liked apple-and-blueberry cobblers, although Rachel had favored peach. Ms. Ellen reminded her of home and grandmothers, of warmth and love.
    All the things that had been missing in her life.
    She helped Ms. Ellen serve the meal, watching with appreciation as the ranch hands, counselors and kids streamed in. All were excited, tired, starving from the fresh air and hard work. Kenny gravitated toward his new friend Willie, and Lucy tagged along behind Rachel’s son as if he was a big brother.
    Kenny finished eating, then ran over to her as she cleaned up.
    “Mom, the counselor said I can bunk down with the other campers. They’re gonna sleep outside in tents tonight. Is that okay?”
    Rachel’s heart clenched at the childish glee in his eyes. How could she deny him? Although, the image of that shredded underwear taunted her, and nerves crawled down her spine.
    Kenny tugged on her sleeve. “Can I, Mom? Pleeeaase. They’re gonna roast marshmallows and tell cowboy stories.”
    The counselors were hovering around the boys, and she relented. She couldn’t put Kenny in a bubble his entire life or he’d be miserable.
    “Of course, honey. But just mind the counselors and stay with the group.”
    Then Kenny hesitated, bouncing back and forth on his feet. “Oh, no, I can’t go, Mom. I gots to feed Cleo and the pups.”
    Rachel ruffled his hair. “I’ll take care of them tonight. You can check on them in the morning.”
    A smile burst on his face, tugging at her heart, and she gave him a big hug. Then he raced ahead and threw his arm around Willie as if they were best friends. Tears pricked the backs of her eyelids. Here Kenny had a normal life.
    But when would it end?
    She glanced around for Johnny, but he was at another table firming up the schedule with Brody. She’d met him the day before and learned the story behind the ranch—Brody had lost a brother years ago, and he was still missing. To fill the void, he’d dedicated the ranch to helping other boys in need.
    Johnny looked so handsome and strong that, for a moment, she just paused to drink in the sight of him. To allow herself to fantasize about making a life here at the BBL. About seeing him as more than a friend.
    Finally, her good sense kicked in, and she went to help Ms. Ellen. She had to ignore the desperate yearning she had to be with Johnny. Nothing would come of it but heartache for her and her son.
    When she and Ms. Ellen finished, Rachel headed back to her cabin, enjoying the fresh air. But as she neared the cabin, her internal radar spiked, warning her she was in danger. That someone was watching her.
    Following her.
    Footsteps crunched on dry gravel. Twigs snapped. The husky whisper of her name rolled off a man’s lips.
    Rachel whirled around just as a shadow crossed in front of her.
    Then a man gripped her by the neck and shoved her toward the barn.

Chapter Eight
    Johnny glanced around for Rachel as he finished sketching out the event schedule with Brody, but she’d disappeared. Kenny had left for the campout and he knew she’d be alone.
    Maybe if he approached her as a friend, she’d open up.
    But just as he made it to the door, the reporter caught him. “Mr. Long, can I speak with you for a moment?”
    Johnny gritted his teeth, then pasted on a friendly smile before he faced her. “Yes.”
    Her green eyes lit with a smile. “I’m June Warner.”
    “Yes, ma’am. Brody told me who you are.”
    Her brows furrowed slightly. “You don’t want the press here?”
    Johnny forced himself to take a deep breath. Too often, he’d spouted off the first thing on his mind and the press twisted it to make him

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