
Change by Jevenna Willow

Book: Change by Jevenna Willow Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jevenna Willow
pushed him too far.
    His brow furrowed as if he could read her every
thought, making her knees weak. “You won’t say no to me, Mecenna,” he said, his
voice a lowered rasp.
    “Oh, really?” Now who is pushing whom?
    Casey nodded. His blue eyes found hers and they held a
ton of mischief within their depths. “Yes. Really. Two days, Sunday night, no
other time, no other offer. Take it or leave it, Mecenna. Like I’ve said
before…you’ll dance for me first before I ever let you dance for any other
    Sara’s voice caught in her throat as she tried to
whisper out, “Why?”
    Her brain couldn’t process much of what had come out
of his mouth, to any certain degree of coherency. In fact, Sara’s brain was
stuck on the fact Sunday the club was closed. The two of them would be here
alone. She’d have no one to protect her against this man if things got out of
control…or complicated.
    Perhaps this was the point of the sudden request.
Neither wanted protection from the other, but both desired it more than life
    His face a stoic mask, his next words were even
colder. “You wanted one night, Mecenna. Sunday is the only night I will allow
you into that room.”
    Sara licked her bottom lip. She weighed out the pros
and cons. There were certainly more cons than pros with his offer, but if she
said no, she knew the offer would never come again. And damnit! She needed the
    “Fine. Sunday night. All rules apply.” This meant he
was not to touch her in any way, shape, or form…unless given permission.
    “This is my club, Mecenna. I make the rules. Not you.”
    “Not this time, Griffen,” Sara threatened.
    In point, it was Casey who now had to weigh out the
pros from the cons while Sara watched his face as he put thought through his
head. Sunday night, with her in fittest form, would certainly be a definite pro
to the man.
    “Fine. Agreed. No touching and all rules apply.”
    Sara held out her hand to Casey to shake on their
deal, but he did not take her offered hand. He rounded his desk and pulled her
in his arms by his unbroken wrist to settle her pelvis against his large
arousal. The next words out of his mouth shocked her even more.
    “See what happens every time you come inside here?” He
lowered his eyes to the front of his jeans.
    Sara looked down there as well. When her gaze returned
to his face, his mouth descended and with no time to react she simply let the
kiss happen.
    It was a quick kiss, a hard kiss—a brandishing kiss,
nevertheless, the kiss passionate that left her visibly shaken as he eased
    Two seconds later, he was back to all business. “Don’t
you have a shift to do?”
    Sara put her fingers to her mouth. She could taste
Casey’s drank scotch on her tongue. All she could do was nod her head.
    “Then shouldn’t you be doing it?”
    It never took a boss to ask an employee twice. Sara
nearly ran from the room.
    For the remainder of her night and well into the next,
she couldn’t think of anything else, but of what he would get from her—body and
soul—come Sunday night.
    Lace was the first to make her feel guilty about
Sunday night. AndSara hadn’t even done anything to feel guilty—yet.
    “And why are we trying to perfect something you so
obviously will never achieve?” Lace threw at Sara, her tone crisp.
    Lace was still smarting over the wretched lecture
their boss gave her because of one lousy mistake by an all-hands, hard dick
customer. And that roommate was now taking it out on anyone within her sight, namely
    Again, Sara’s ass hit the floor. Perhaps if she did
not try to jut out her leg and did something completely different from Lace, it
would work to her favor. Her next move only made things worse. She nearly hurt
    Sara dropped to the floor and snapped her thoughts
quite viciously at her roommate. “You’re not helping me, Lace…by criticizing
    “Fine. I am not helping you at all.” Lace disappeared
off the

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