Cherringham--The Last Puzzle

Cherringham--The Last Puzzle by Neil Richards

Book: Cherringham--The Last Puzzle by Neil Richards Read Free Book Online
Authors: Neil Richards
    “—going to have to bend the rules of the contest a little. Yes, we’ll be careful. I understand Tony. There are legal issues here. But we think—”
    Another look.
    “It’s what Quentin would have wanted.”
    Silence for a minute, Jack listening to Tony as Sarah pulled up outside her house.
    Normally her kids would be glad to see Jack show up.
    But Chloe, with the words they’d exchanged over breakfast … there could still be some tension in the air.
    She stopped the car.
    “Thanks for your trust, Tony. We’ll let you know what happens. And we will be there tomorrow, no matter what. Bye.”
    “All set?” Sarah said.
    “You bet.”
    But before Sarah got out, Jack put a hand on her shoulder. “Got to say, Sarah, this may be the toughest nut we’ve tried to crack.”
    She nodded, smiled at that. “That’s for sure.”
    “No. What I mean is … that if we do crack it, it will be due mostly to you.”
    “To us , Jack. A team, remember?”
    And then she opened her door and led the way into her home, so different from the Georgian mansion they had just come from.
    She had just opened her laptop, about to explain her plan to Jack when Chloe walked in — not a word, as she opened the refrigerator and took out the orange juice.
    Jack gave Sarah a look, obviously feeling the chill.
    Then he jumped into the void.
    “Hey Chloe … how’s things?”
    Sarah watched her daughter turn to Jack, normally one of her favourite people.
    “Hi Jack.”
    She took down a glass, and poured some juice.
    For mum, though, the ice wasn’t melting.
    Sarah thought she’d better try to heal the breech.
    “Chloe — we’ve got your favourite for dinner — stroganoff. Good for a chilly night, hmm?”
    The words were out of her mouth before she realised that they could be taken in a sarcastic light.
    But when Chloe — her face set — turned to look at her, she allowed a bit of a smile.
    “Thanks …,” then more slowly “Mum.”
    Then: “Is Jack staying?”
    Jack smiled. “Stroganoff? You kidding? If I’m invited, absolutely.”
    “Good.” Chloe smiled, nodded, and walked out of the kitchen.
    And when Sarah sat down …
    “Storm clouds there … parting a bit?”
    “I hope so. It can be hard sometimes, you know?”
    “Tell me about it. So easy to think you did or said the wrong thing to this kid. A kid you would — quite literally — die for.”
    “I would.”
    “I know. And so does she. You’re a good mom, I mean mum . It will pass.”
    “Right.” Sarah took a deep breath.
    “Now, show me what you plan on doing with your amazing skills here.”
    “Okay,” Sarah said. “And I think you’re going to like this.”
    After a dinner of what had to be the best stroganoff Jack had ever eaten … creamy, tender beef, mushrooms … Jack went off to play his role in the plot to trap the scrambling heirs.
    He didn’t relish what he was about to do.
    So many ways it could go wrong.
    But as the person who had first interviewed Emma Carter, this job fell to him.
    Only now — big Marty would be by her side.
    He parked close to their tiny cottage, and hopped out of his Sprite. The sun had set, and the sky had turned a deep purple, with a light blue at the horizon. Stars dotted the sky, but it wasn’t so cold tonight. Maybe winter was finally leaving …
    He knocked on the door.
    And of course Marty answered.
    “Hi Marty — was hoping to have another quick chat with Emma.”
    Marty’s lip curled, his bowling ball eyes squinting as he said … “You already spoke to her. Now didn’t you?”
    But then Emma appeared by the door, standing close to Marty.
    Jack knew that they could easily refuse to talk to him. But he gambled that they both might be a little scared.
    Because he didn’t think that Marty had just gone to the house to look for a stray scarf or pair of gloves Emma might have left behind.
    Marty might have been worried about something far more important.
    “Not out on

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