Cherry Adair - T-flac 03

Cherry Adair - T-flac 03 by Hide, Seek

Book: Cherry Adair - T-flac 03 by Hide, Seek Read Free Book Online
Authors: Hide, Seek
wine-red lips, and expertly kohled eyes. She had the toned body of a thirty-year-old and accented the positive in the understated linen dress with a large, rather barbaric, gold pendant hanging on a long heavy chain to rest between her voluptuous breasts.
    Regally she strolled to the seat beside her son. Taking the chair a servant held out for her, she accepted the air kiss Montero directed at her cheek. "You may resume your seat." She glanced pointedly at Kyle.
    He ignored the command, and her gaze flicked to Delanie. "And to whom do you belong?"
    Beneath his fingertips, Delanie's slender shoulders tensed.
    "I don't belong to anyone," she said sweetly, ignoring the warning pressure of his fingers. "Ramon and Kyle kinda share me, ya know?" The "bimbo" voice grated, as it was supposed to.
    "You might have potential, my dear, but I can assure you it is not being realized." Isabella's eyes reminded Kyle of two hard, dark cherries as she took in Delanie's bright dress and pink-plastic flamingo earrings with obvious distaste. "I'm surprised at Dr. Wright's lack of… discernment."

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    Before Delanie could volley that one back, Kyle got a grip on her arm and hauled her troublemaking little ass out of her seat. He gave her a shut-your-mouth-and-don't-stir-up-shit look. Delanie's eyes went dark. His fingers tightened in a warning to keep those luscious fuchsia lips pressed together.
    She acquiesced with a squeak of annoyance before she slid her hand into the curve of his elbow and gave him a sensual smile. "These boys of mine are always in such a hurry, ya know?"
    Oh Lord, Kyle thought, unwillingly amused. "Don't overdo it, Sarah Bernhardt," he cautioned under his breath.
    He glanced at Isabella. "I'll take her off for a little refresher course in interpersonal skills." He refused to release her, even when Delanie squirmed. He wasn't hurting her, despite his fingers covering the days-old marks on her arm.
    Mama Montero gave him a sultry smile. For all her beauty there was something rather unsavory and predatory about her bee-stung mouth. Kyle managed a counterfeit smile. He still had an old-fashioned notion of what a mother should look like. Isabella Montero didn't even come close.
    "Say good-bye, Delanie."
    A meaningful glance passed between mother and son. Isabella leaned in to whisper to Montero. He rose, cutting off Delanie's next salvo.
    "I'm afraid your excursion into town must wait until later, if you will, my friend," Ramon said. "I'm taking all of you on a little outing to a special place."
    "Something more important than my errand into town?" Kyle asked tersely. Now what the hell was Montero up to? The damn clock ticked with annoying volume in his head. No way in hell was he keeping Delanie up here for another twenty-four hours.
    Montero pulled at his eyebrow. "It was scheduled for tomorrow, was it not?"
    "I'd prefer to get it over with and bring my supplies back here so I can get started," Kyle said flatly.
    "Every day wasted is another day without the money in the bank. Your choice."
    "I'm sure a few hours won't make any difference at all, Doctor." Isabella Montero smiled. "Don't be impatient. Whatever it is, will wait."
    Montero couldn't tie his shoelaces without Mommy's sayso? The Oedipus complex was another facet of Montero's personality unexposed.
    Curiouser and curiouser.
    When he went into San Cristobal he'd have his people dig deeper into Isabella's background. There was something about the woman… something Kyle couldn't quite put his finger on.
    His gaze went from mother to son and back again. He quirked a brow.
    Montero shrugged and glanced away to address the others. "I suggest everyone change into sturdy shoes and comfortable clothing. We'll meet on the patio in, say, fifteen minutes?"

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    Sugano and Danzigger rose agreeably. No stress there. They, and

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