Chronicles of Eden - Act V
with wonder, words failing him as he beheld the home of the giant butterflies earlier than anticipated. As he sat on the front seat of the caravan the wagon was riding towards the monster haven with Alyssa at the reins and with Luna and Falla sitting on top of the caravan watching as their home slowly drew nearer.
    “Look, Falla,” Luna said pointing ahead. “We’re almost home again. How long has it been since we were here last?”
    “It’s been a while,” Falla replied. “I wonder if my old friends are still here.”
    “Me too. I hope Sererca and Vivi are still here. Oh, and Rallendina, I have to visit her and tell her about everything that-”
    “No, Luna,” Falla sternly interrupted. “You’re staying here in the caravan when we arrive.”
    “What?” Luna whined with a frown. “But why?”
    “Luna, have you forgotten what happened the last time you were here?” Falla asked with exasperation.
    “Um… can I get a hint?”
    “Yes, you can,” Falla said dryly. “Remember the pageant that was being held by our monarch?”
    “Oh, yeah!” Luna happily said with a few hops. “That was fun, everyone was all dressed up in beautiful floral arrangements and the sunlight coming down through the trees was so lovely and-”
    “And you ruined it by dousing the entire gathering with rainwater from above!” Falla shouted out at her. At this point Daniel and Alyssa were looking up at them with curious glances while Falla grabbed her hair with frustration. “The entire event was ruined because somebody tried to clear the branches to get more sunlight to shine down on everyone!”
    “But… but…” Luna whimpered while scooting back a bit. “I just wanted to help. Everyone was saying the event would look better with more light. I only wanted to help by moving a few branches in the trees.”
    “You moved those that were holding rainwater from when it rained that morning!” Falla stressed. “You ruined the pageant and drenched our monarch in front of everyone!”
    “Monarch?” Daniel asked.
    “Our queen, the monarch butterfly,” Falla snapped with a glance to him. “You know, like how you have a queen for your kingdom? A monarch is our leader, and the one in Flairwood would not be happy to see Luna return. In fact, I don’t think anyone is going to be happy to see her.”
    “She’s an outcast like I am with the witch community?” Alyssa asked with a raised eyebrow.
    “I’m not an outcast,” Luna pouted while looking down and away.
    “No, she’s not an outcast,” Falla sighed. “Everyone in Flairwood knows of Luna and how… special she is. It’s only because the princess of Flairwood likes her so much that she’s not banished from the land. Because of that all the butterflies try to… tolerate her, if they can.”
    “The princess of Flairwood?” Daniel asked. “So you two know the royal family well then?”
    “You bet we do,” Luna said with a bright smile at him. “The princess and I are best friends.”
    “It’s only because you make her laugh with your antics,” Falla reasoned with a roll of her eyes. “She probably sees you as a jester or something, she doesn’t know that’s how you really are.”
    “That’s not true,” Luna argued with a pout. “She loves playing with me, she even said I was her best friend last time we were here.”
    “So do you think you could help introduce me to your monarch then?” Daniel asked hopefully. “That would be great if you could do that.”
    “Well,” Luna replied nervously. “The monarch usually isn’t too happy to see me… but I’m sure the princess could help. I hope. I’ll talk to her and see if she can help you.”
    “Luna, you’re staying in the caravan,” Falla ordered. “It’s going to be hard enough to get Daniel an audience with our monarch, but I don’t want to have to watch over you while we’re in the grove again. Not to mention whenever you’re here everyone blames me for any trouble you cause.”

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