Chronicles of Eden - Act V
“Flairwood was two days away from us. How did we get here in two seconds ?”
    “Pip,” Daniel replied softly, the group looking to him then back to the caravan as he quickly ran over to it and searched for the missing fairy. “Pip? Pip, are you here? Pip!”
    “How did she do this?” Triska asked with disbelief.
    “That spell she cast,” Alyssa said looking down to the burned marking under the caravan. “She… she just teleported all of us with her magic.”
    “Pip, where are you?” Daniel called out as he walked around the front of the caravan, with Lucky finally calming down and grunting as he shook his head slowly.
    “How could she teleport all of us like that?” Triska asked. “Could you have done that, Alyssa?”
    “I can only open a gateway back to my home in Ritherwood,” Alyssa replied shaking her head. “And it’s really hard to do so with a loaded wagon, and even harder to do the further away from Ritherwood I am. But I can’t just go anywhere I want in the world like that. I can only go home and then back to wherever I left from, that’s the only teleportation spell I know.”
    “So then how did Pip just take us all the way here to Flairwood, caravan and all, without having known where it was before looking at a map?”
    “Look at the ground!” Alyssa shouted at her. “Her magic burned the ground with its casting ring! That means its way more powerful than what my teleportation spell can do! None of my magic creates a ring that scorches the ground, and my magic is used to control fire!”
    “Her power is greater than Alyssa’s,” Specca explained. “I had no idea fairies possessed such magic. It was one thing to throw Falla into the air before, but this… this is simply incredible.”
    “Where is Pip anyway?” Luna asked looking around curiously. “And where is Kroanette? Where did they go?”
    “Pip!” Daniel exclaimed, the group then looking to him as he knelt down and held his hand over something on the ground with wonder.
    “Daniel? Did you find her?” Triska called out before all the girls rushed over to him. As they did they saw Pip lying on the dirt before Daniel, seeming to be unconscious while her wing twitched slightly.
    “Pip? Is she okay?” Specca said worriedly.
    Daniel slowly picked Pip up in his hands before standing again, him and all the girls watching as the fairy groaned quietly before peeking to him with a tired eye.
    “Pip?” he gently asked. “What did you just do?”
    “I… helped,” she softly replied before passing out.
    Everyone looked at the fairy with wonder then to each other, all of them then slowly turning to gaze out at the grove of the giant butterflies that was within seeing distance now.
    “Pip… you sure did,” Daniel agreed.
    The group stood there in awe as they beheld Flairwood right before them, all stunned to have arrived so quickly and by means they thought impossible. After a while of silence to take in the fact that what they were seeing was indeed real Falla glanced to Alyssa with a raised eyebrow in question.
    “So, chances for her are zero, huh?”

Chapter 3
Danger From the Forest
    In the world of Eden first impressions were key when wishing to form healthy new relationships and allies. It was important to present oneself in a manner that wasn’t threatening, was polite and respectful of those around them, and prepared to speak with friendly or comforting words to help with the greeting. If one were to come across as rude, dangerous, or untrustworthy, then that was the association that would make the most impact with the new contact. If one wanted to make new friends or assure others that they could be trusted every action and word they spoke counted and had to be carefully thought out. However if they didn’t wish to make new friends then their first impression with others may be completely different.
    For some their more hostile nature may be seen before anything else.
    Daniel gazed at the grove of Flairwood

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