Circle of Deception

Circle of Deception by Carla Swafford

Book: Circle of Deception by Carla Swafford Read Free Book Online
Authors: Carla Swafford
way he stared at her—possessive and aware of his effect on her—made her nipples ache from being tight and hard for so long.
    She turned to comment and her nose hit his chest. Refusing to be intimidated by him, she tilted her head back and glared.
    “Why do you really want to go with me?” She shoved at his abs. He didn’t move an inch. “And why are you so in my space?”
    One blunt-tipped finger traced her ear. “ Dusha my-ah .”
    She swiped at his hand. “What’s gotten into you?”
    A brief sneer that passed for a smile crossed his face. “Practicing my Russian for tonight.”
    “Well, save it for later.”
    He chuckled and moved to the other side of the elevator.
    Heaven help her, she needed to chill and quit letting him bother her. But every time he leaned in close or brushed his hand against hers, she forgot how to breathe. What made it all difficult to resist was that she remembered his talented mouth. The man knew where to kiss, lick, and suck a woman until she screamed in surrender. Was it any wonder her body stayed on ready whenever he was around? And when he spoke Russian to her, her legs almost melted out from beneath her, and she had no idea what he’d said. The steel doors opened and she’d never been happier to reach the lobby level.
    “Do you have a particular store in mind, or you planning to wander around until the party?”
    “Don’t be a smart-ass,” came out weak, even to her ears. Desperate to get a break from his sexual pull, she looked around for a store he’d hate to be seen in. Maybe he’d even go back to their suite and leave her alone for a few minutes. Then she noticed a familiar sign. “I’m going there.” She pointed to a pink and white sign.
    “Damn,” he murmured beneath his breath.
    Grinning big, she bounced through the open door of Victoria’s Secret.
    R EX DIDN’T CARE that she enjoyed seeing him uncomfortable in such a feminine environment. Since her return to the OS, he’d rarely seen her laugh, and certainly not so carefree. The Circle had changed her, made her solemn. She used to laugh at the smallest things. She’d always had a smart mouth but it had become acidic. Since her return to the OS, he still caught glimpses of the old Abby, but the new, more deadly one fascinated him. So he stood off to the side watching her. Plus he needed to keep an eye on her, in case word had gotten out that Rurik had arrived early. His presence was known to stir up trouble. The people he dealt with were not known for trusting others and would be suspicious of his presence in their territory. And of course, the usual trouble could show up as his height made people nervous, a strange phenomenon that happened to him often enough but usually where alcohol was served. Drunks lacked a filter or sense of consequence, and his head being a foot above everyone else’s guaranteed a target on the back of his skull. He had a feeling a woman’s lingerie store wouldn’t be much different. At least, he hoped they hadn’t started serving liquor.
    Speaking of trouble, Abby picked up a skimpy red bra with matching thong. He groaned. As she pulled out a few more matching sets of lingerie, he moved behind a rack to adjust his cock. He was so hard he hurt.
    “I’m going into the dressing room for a minute.”
    Certain he would burst and not caring, he absorbed her movements. The way she rolled her hips with each step and how the edge of her skirt flipped and turned, showing off her long legs. He wanted to run his hands over her silky skin and work his way up to the heat he remembered so well. Would his touch still excite her as it had once long ago? Would he find her creamy and swollen?
    He followed a step behind her. He wanted answers to those questions.
    “Sir. Sir! You can’t go in there. That’s for ladies only.” A saleswoman moved between him and the room Abby entered.
    Knowing an overprotective husband wouldn’t be excuse enough, he said, “I’m her bodyguard. She’s not

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