Claimed by the Order (S-Gods, #1)
captain’s cabin behind him. Just inside the tan, flax tent flap, a bench was visible, but Anshar was nowhere in sight. Closing his eyes, he commanded the winds to blow. A steady breeze picked up in the west, blowing at his back, and propelling the ship forward. A smile spread to his lips. Though shifting the wind was a minor task, he rarely had a chance to use his powers. In the next moment, Anshar emerged from the captain’s cabin and stood by his side at the helm.
    “All is in order,” Akad said, “We should be making landfall well before sunset.”
    The black-bearded Anshar scrutinized him closely before glancing up at the large inflated sail.
    “Anu,” Anshar said, staring at him intently, “in this situation, there is no harm in cheating, but you need to remember your powers won’t be enough to remedy every situation. When we arrive at the Temple of Power, you will experience existence without your powers for the first time. You will have to rely solely on your physical strength, intelligence, and common sense. I have prepared you all these years, so this will be your first test.”
    “Yes father,” Akad said, holding his head high and shoulders straight, trying hard to exude the confidence Anshar desired to see.
    Anshar watched him closely before continuing.
    “When we arrive at the temple, I will introduce you to the gods. As my heir, you will one day hold a seat on the Council of the Gods. Your conduct is of the utmost importance. Although you are young, I expect you to keep in mind the position you stand to inherit. You will one day be the supreme god of the world. I don’t want you to be arrogant, but I want you to remember you are more powerful than any of the gods you will meet. No matter how old or prominent they are, you will one day rule over them all.”
    “Yes, father.” Akad nodded his ascent. Anshar always spoke of his power and the position he stood to inherit, but the reality of his future rule seemed so far removed from the world in which he lived. In his father’s eyes, he was nothing but a disappointment, a prince who failed him at every turn. Akad remained silent, waiting for the threats to come, but Anshar stood staring out into the sea and said nothing more.

Chapter 12
    E ach day following his classes, Marduk reported to the Order just to be stripped down and passed around until the party died down. Then, he retired for the night to Shamash’s bedchamber, only to wake the next morning and repeat the same cycle. After a week of this treatment, Marduk was finally on the verge of breaking. The night’s party had long since ended, yet he lay pinned beneath Shamash, the god’s hard cock driving into him. As his master, Shamash took pleasure in Marduk whenever he wanted. Shamash finally came inside him, and tears flowed freely over Marduk’s temples. Marduk had once desired Shamash, but something between them had broken. The respect and reverence he once had for this god had long since vanished.
    When Shamash rolled off him, he pulled Marduk to his chest and ran a hand through Marduk’s thick hair. A dying candle flickered on the table beside the bed, and his eyes fixed on the dark bronze curtains across the room.
    “I love your tears,” Shamash whispered, kissing the moisture on his cheek. “When you came to the Order, I was sure you would be a fighter. I never imagined you would be this tender and vulnerable.”
    Marduk’s stomach lurched. He pulled back and stared at Shamash.
    “What do you mean?”
    Shamash smiled. “I heard how you stood up to Seth the first day of class. We were expecting you would put up a fight at your induction, but you surprised us all by submitting.”
    Marduk sat up, still staring at Shamash. He knew he hadn’t fought. He had submitted to Shamash, completely falling for his seduction. Marduk looked away and covered his face with one hand.
    “I’m not complaining, Marduk.” Shamash sat up next to him, placing a hand on his shoulder. “I love

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