Cognata: A Vampire Romance

Cognata: A Vampire Romance by Jedaiah Ramnarine

Book: Cognata: A Vampire Romance by Jedaiah Ramnarine Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jedaiah Ramnarine
Tags: Fantasy
Halona. You, are the lineage. The same spirit that resided in her, resides in you."
    "What... " I was trembling at that point.
    "You are the reason we've been running. I've been protecting you."
    "No... no, no, no... " I became dazed and confused, I soon found myself on the verge of fainting as I backed away from him.
    "I didn't want them to get close to you. I couldn't risk history repeating itself again."
    "You... all this time... you... no, no! No!"
    "Alexia... "
    "No!! Stay away from me! Leave me alone!"
    "Alexia... " His cries rung out...
    "Leave me... leave me alone... "
    None of it made sense - yet all of it did. Why we were being chased, why he kept me a secret, why I had these strange visions and memories. I suddenly found myself wanting nothing to do with any of it. I wanted to run away. I wanted to escape.
    And just as the thought came to me, I wished I'd been careful what I asked for. Cognati forces closed in on us at that moment of revelation. They stormed into our suite. Aristide was shouting my name, telling me to run - get as far away as possible, he'd hold them back. A patch of flame struck, then fire broke outside, encasing us in a trap. They were going to burn us alive. I was panicking, unable to think clearly. My head was spinning beyond my control. All I can remember was that he grabbed me and tossed me into the back alley, shutting the door behind him, locking me out.
    'Alexia. GO! Now!' His voice commanded me in my head.
    I didn't want to leave him. The irony of the whole thing was killing me. I couldn't leave him! I banged on the door, begging, screaming for him to let me in, until I saw a familiar face from the alley's shadows. None other than the blonde, child-prince, Caelinus.
    "At last, all things have come full circle and we have, without a doubt, unveiled Aristide's treacherous secret." He called to me.
    I couldn't focus on him. The house was burning down. Aristide was still inside. I had to get in. I tried concentrating my effort, using my power to break in but it was sealed by other forces, greater than my own. Other, Cognati forces - who kept Aristide at bay while they ventured forth to have their way with me, but I refused to be such easy prey.
    "Stand back!" I shouted at Caelinus.
    All he did was continue walking to me boldly. In his eyes, whether I was meant to be the new icon of the Cognati society or not was irrelevant. I was a power card. One he intended to wield.
    "Do you know what you are?" He questioned. "What you can do for us? For the world?"
    "I said stand back! I will hear none of your lies!" I warned him once more.
    He ignored me. Unafraid and unmoved, he advanced on me and that is when I felt the surge of power engulfing me.
    Like lightning running through my veins, nothing around me was distracting and at last, a subtle moment of absolute peace and dangerous clarity overtook me. I curled my arm back and with an inner-led confidence I pushed it at him like I were batting the waves of the sea. A great telekinetic boom erupted from my hand and the force sent Caelinus flying, crashing several yards away into one of the nearby houses.
    I couldn't believe what I'd done. Such power was unknown to me. Aristide never trained me in such arts. He had trained me in mobility and that is what I needed to use. More Cognati forces came; all prepared, ravenous and unrelenting to capture me. I turned around and lunged on top of one of the buildings. My legs moved faster than I imagined. I was gaining speed by the second and soon, I was in such a speed frenzy that by the time I realized where I was, it was nothing but miles upon miles of uncivilized, lush forest. Far away from the cherry trees and beautiful pagodas.
    Interlude IV
    Samuel Speaks, 2017

    What the hell am I doing? This girl could be crazy. What if all of it is a lie? I don't know, some trick... or something, but why choose me? I'm not incredibly rich, although I am attractive - moderately so anyway. Going to the park with Alexia

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