Conklin's Corruption (#3) (Conklin's Trilogy)

Conklin's Corruption (#3) (Conklin's Trilogy) by Brooke Page Page A

Book: Conklin's Corruption (#3) (Conklin's Trilogy) by Brooke Page Read Free Book Online
Authors: Brooke Page
    Just as I was getting into somewhat of a rhythm a rumble came from Emmett’s stomach, followed by a squirting noise along with a warm, thick liquid covering my forearms.  Emmett stopped squirming and his head drooped down on my shoulder.  I attempted to maneuver him enough to see the explosion that went through his diaper and clothing all over my arms and hot pink shirt.
    You have got to be fucking kidding.

    Chapter 5
    Tyler was quiet and stoned face as we left the zoo and got into the car.  He was sporting a very feminine lavender t-shirt from the gift shop.  I liked the hot pink one better, but after Emmett’s blow out, he silently handed him to me and stalked back to the gift shop.  Today went well until the end.  An unsettled feeling took over as I feared Tyler would never want kids.
    Emmett was in a great mood the ride home, jabbering away, while Josie sang quietly.  It seemed her vomiting wasn’t going to bring her down.
    “So today wasn’t too bad,” I murmured.
    Tyler kept his eyes on the road, his lip twitching in annoyance.  He had his aviators on with his baseball cap.
    “Okay… So it was a little rough towards the end.”
    “A little?” he huffed.  I bit down on my tongue.  “I think it’s safe to say it was awful,” he sneered.
    I rolled my eyes.  He was being a little too dramatic.  How could we have kids if he couldn’t deal with a little puke?
    He shook his head in annoyance.  “What time is your mom coming home?”
    “Not until later.”
    “How late?”
    “Tyler!  I’m not making my mom move them from their beds while they’re asleep!  Look, if you don’t want to stay with us, that’s fine.  Just drop us off at my place then you can stay at Union Square,” I grumbled, irritated by his poor attitude.
    He let out a loud groan.  “I’m not going to stay at Union Square.  We’ll go to your old condo.  Is Jamie there?” 
    “No, she’s in Miami this weekend.”
    “Does she still have liquor stashed in the condo?”
    “Glad little kids drive you to drink,” I mumbled.
    “Who said it was for me?  How do you know I wasn’t going to slip it in their drinks?” he muttered while pointing his thumb back at Emmett and Josie. 
    I noticed a small smile appear from the corner of his mouth.  It was a poor attempt at changing the subject, but thank God his mood was shifting.
    “By the way, I like your shirt,” I snickered.
    A full-blown smile crept across his face.  “Remind me to donate to that little zoo.  They need a bigger gift shop.”
    We ordered pizza from Vitale’s for dinner.  Tyler booked it to the shower the second we got home and was leery to stand anywhere near Josie after she ate.  She changed into her jammies and fell asleep in the middle of the first Disney movie.  It was just after 9:30 p.m. and Emmett was snuggled to my chest after his nightly bottle, warm in his baseball themed jammies with heavy eyes.  Tyler was sitting on the couch with a passed out Josie on his lap.
    “Want to bring her to bed?” I asked quietly as I rubbed Emmett’s back.
    Tyler cautiously lifted Josie from his lap and stood to take her to the office.  Josie wrapped her arms around his neck, causing Tyler to let out a slight smile.  Maybe he could get used to the idea of having kids.  I followed carrying Emmett, laying him down in the pack-n-play next to Josie on the chaise lounge.  Tyler surprisingly covered up Josie with a blanket and tucked her into bed.  The gesture looked strangely paternal, and warmth spread throughout my body as I watched him move a loose strand of hair from Josie’s face.
    We both snuck out of the office and turned off the light, heading straight across the hall to my old bedroom.
    “I’m exhausted,” Tyler sighed as he started to undress.
    Taking off my tank top, I nervously asked, “Was it really that bad today?”
    He dropped his gym shorts to the floor and lay on the bed.  “It

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