Connections of the Mind
Allison. “Ready?”
    Allison nodded, and Lester took her arm as they walked to their rooms.
    “So you never answered me. When is the last time you took a vacation?”
    Lester stopped in front of room 112. “I can’t honestly remember.” He looked at his watch. “I’ll see you in say ten minutes.”
    “Ten minutes is fine.”
    Allison inserted the key card, pushed open the door, and went inside. How was she going to take Lester’s mind off Rebecca and make him relax? They had such a nice time driving down here. Conversation was enjoyable and easy. As worried as Lester was about Rebecca, he didn’t show any of the tension he showed since they arrived. They talked about so many things. Their work, their likes, dislikes. Heck, he even asked her favorite color and flower. If he’d just relax again, they might actually enjoy the visit.
    She set her travel case on the luggage rack and looked around the room. Not the Ritz, but not bad. Floral drapes covered the window. Light rose quilt topped by two floral pillows lay on the king-size bed. Sculptured tan and brown carpeting and two wall lamps added the finishing touches. Two chairs sat next to a round table in front of the window. Allison pulled the drapes open, and the view outside took her breath away. Lush, green, rolling meadows led to a wooded area. Four horses grazed in the meadow.
    Allison looked at her watch. She’d better hurry. One thing she’d learned about Lester, he didn’t like to be kept waiting. She went to the sink, threw some cold water on her face, and dried it before opening her case, found her lipstick and a brush. With a quick flip of the brush, her hair went back into place. She loved this new short hairstyle. She just finished applying her lipstick when someone knocked on the door.
    * * * *
    Rebecca let out a deep breath. She wasn’t sure Lester bought the whole story, but at least he didn’t argue with her. She’d have to remember to thank Allison. Rebecca went back into the bathroom, blew dry her hair, and put on her makeup. Just as she finished putting on her lipstick, someone knocked on the door.
    “Just in time.” Rebecca opened the door to whom she thought was Lester and Allison.
    Jeremy smiled at her with that sexy shit-eating grin. “Just in time for what?” He backed her into the room and took her in his arms. Just as his mouth was about to come down on hers, she wiggled away.
    “Not so fast, buster. My brother’s here. I thought you were him. We’re going to get breakfast.”
    “Good, I’m starved.”
    The way his eyes raked over her, Rebecca guessed it wasn’t for food. Good thing Lester and Allison were here. Safety in numbers. She’d have to make sure it stayed that way. She didn’t trust herself to be alone with Jeremy. Not yet.
    Although something told her she wouldn’t regret it. Not with Jeremy. But she was looking for a long-term relationship. She didn’t know Jeremy well enough to decide on that yet. The prospect of spending her life here in Morrisville appealed to her. The idea of spending it with Jeremy appealed to her even more. Funny, she’d never been one to make rash decisions—yet somewhere deep inside her—she knew she’d be happy with him. Call it psychic or whatever. Besides, no point denying it, she was falling in love with him.
    A knock at the door interrupted her thoughts. She opened it to Lester and Allison. “Come in. There’s someone I want you both to meet.”
    Allison threw her a look.
    Yep it’s him, Rebecca acknowledged with a nod. She linked her arm through her brother’s. “Lester, this is Jeremy Marlin. Jeremy, my brother, Lester Brennan, and my friend, Allison Heath.”
    Jeremy extended his hand and shook Lester’s. He gave Allison an appreciative look, and Rebecca caught the dirty look from Lester. So there was something between those two. Hopefully it would blossom. When Jeremy let go of Allison’s hand, Rebecca saw the look of approval in Allison’s eyes and almost

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