Cooper's Woman

Cooper's Woman by Carol Finch

Book: Cooper's Woman by Carol Finch Read Free Book Online
Authors: Carol Finch
ensure better footing, she scaled the jagged stones to reach the elevated office window. The feat wasn’t too difficult, but clinging to the side of the house like a spider on the wall, to maintain her balance, took considerable strength and effort. Although she broke several fingernails, she managed to sink in her hands like cat claws. She stretched out a leg—practically doing the splits—to find purchase on another protruding stone.
    Frissons of excitement coursed through her as she inched sideways so she could peer into the office. She had found her true calling, she realized. This was the kind of thrill and challenge that had been missing from her life. Gathering information, piecing it together and solving puzzles filled her with a sense of purpose.
    This new job made her happy. However, if Coop was the late-night caller, who arrived to meet secretly with Elliot, she was going to be mad as hell.
    She tossed aside the disparaging thought when she heard Elliot’s voice drift through the office. It wasn’t the cooing, sticky-sweet tone he employed when he was with her, but rather a soft, seductive voice that alerted her that it probably wasn’t Coop who had arrived on the scene.
    Alexa leaned sideways as far as she dared, and then craned her neck to peer into the window. Elliot stepped into view. He had removed his dark jacket and silk cravat. His crisp white linen shirt hung open, revealing a light furring of blond hair on his chest.
    The sight did nothing to stimulate Alexa. However, the auburn-haired woman, dressed in a red satin gown that displayed her ample bosom to its best advantage, seemed to appreciate the sight of his bare skin. She smiled provocatively as she sashayed up to Elliot.
    Alexa watched the woman trail her fingertips down the middle of Elliot’s chest then skim her hand over the placket of his trousers. That appeared to be all the incentive Elliot needed, for he hooked his arm around the woman’s waist and hauled her roughly against him. They commenced groping each other passionately. Articles of clothing and undergarments came off at record speed and were tossed recklessly aside.
    Alexa decided she didn’t need this lesson in lust and window peeking wouldn’t gain her information for this case. She squeezed her eyes shut when Elliot yanked down the bodice of the woman’s chemise and feasted on her breasts. Breathless moans and whimpers filled the room and embarrassment flooded Alexa’s cheeks. She wanted to flee the scene before the grand finale of this tryst took place in the office.
    Anxious to climb down the face of the wall, she clawed at the rough rocks and struggled to maintain her balance. When an unseen hand came out of nowhere to clamp around her bare ankle, she assumed the armed guard had shown up. Frantic to wrest free, she kicked out her leg—and lost her footing.
    Alexa swallowed a squeal of alarm, refusing to let Elliot and his courtesan know she had been spying on them. She hoped to avoid capture before Oscar dragged her into Elliot’s office to face the consequences.
    When the guard jerked her back against his chest, she elbowed him in the jaw. When he didn’t let go she reached over her shoulder to rake her broken nails over his neck.
    â€œOuch, damn it,” came a familiar voice that didn’t belong to Oscar Denton. “Stop clawing me, she-cat. I’m here to help.”
    Alexa angled herself sideways to peer into the shadowed face behind her. She wished Miguel had shown up to assist her. But no such luck. Coop was glowering at her. Her mind raced, wondering how she was going to explain her way out of this predicament. Then she reminded herself that she didn’t owe Coop an explanation. She was annoyed with him because he had arrived earlier that evening to consult privately with Elliot.
    Although that incriminating visit indicated he was a traitor, she couldn’t accuse him of betraying her because he

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