Cowboy Love
and she almost whimpered with need.
    "I'm sure we can think of somethin'," he whispered against her mouth, right before he pulled away. "I'll pick you up about six."
    She smiled as he stepped back, giving her just a little breathing room. "Six is good."
    "I'll wait until you get inside and lock the door," he told her, his voice a little breathless.
    Always the gentleman.
She turned to pull open the screen, his warm gaze caressing her back. She pushed the door and went inside, but as she went to shut it, she peeked out and smiled. He obviously wanted to make sure she was safely inside before he left. She didn't hear him leave the porch until she had shut the door firmly and slid the lock.
    She leaned back against the hard wood with a deep sigh as she brought her fingers to her lips where they still tingled from his kiss. He could have taken advantage of her obvious willingness, but he didn't. He wanted her. That much she could tell, but she also knew for a man that didn't mean anything other than physical attraction. She pushed away from the door as his truck started and pulled out of the yard. She let a small smile drift across her lips before she headed toward her temporary quarters and the soft bed awaiting her.
    Chapter 6
    She woke the next morning more sexually frustrated than the night before. Tanner, his kiss and the thought of what comes next, to the point she had to take a cold shower, had haunted her dreams. The way her body reacted, one would think she hadn't been with a man in more than a year, which wasn't the case.
    After spending several minutes under the cool water, washing away the desire-filled thoughts that plagued her, she pulled herself out of the shower and managed to dress. She wanted to find out about Chris' date. Even though she hadn't mentioned her destination, Amy knew that's where she went the night before. Catherine had let slip when Amy had returned to the house to change for supper with Tanner.
    "Good morning," Amy said, walking into the kitchen.
    Catherine greeted her with a hearty, "Good morning to you. Did you have a fun night with Tanner?"
    Night? Oh how I wished it had been the night. Good grief! I need to pull my head out from between my legs!
    "We had fun. We went to Pete's for a while then he showed me the lights of the town from the bluff."
    "It is very pretty up there at night." Catherine sighed.
    "Is Chris here? I didn't hear her come in unless she came in before me."
    Frowning, Catherine said, "No, Chris isn't here. She rarely returns for the night if she goes out with Rob."
    Amy cocked her head to the side at the negativity in Catherine's voice. "Don't you like him? Chris seems rather fond of him."
    "Chris hasn't told you about Rob?"
    "No. I never knew he existed until the other night when I met him at the bar."
    "She and Rob have been a sort of couple for years. They started dating after high school, but every time I imagine they might be getting serious, Chris avoids him for several months. Don't get me wrong, he's a nice boy, and I think he's the right one for her, but they can't seem to get together, I guess."
    "I'm kind of surprised that she's never mentioned him to me, but then again, she's been too busy trying to hook me up with some guy here that she thinks I would like."
    "Sounds like Chris."
    "I know, matchmaker to the lonely hearts of the world."
    "What are your plans today?"
    "Um, well, I'm not sure now. I thought maybe Chris and I would go do something, but she's not home."

"Did you bring your bathing suit? You are welcome to use the pool in the back, if you like to swim."
    "I love to swim! And just my luck, I brought my bikini."
    "Well, it should be warm enough now. Why don't you go for a swim?"
    "I think I will. Thank you!" Amy leaned over and kissed the old woman on the cheek before she scooted off to change.
    Several moments later found her standing at the edge of the most wonderful basin of water. Chris' parents had built the area around the pool to resemble a

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