Cowgirl Up and Ride
softening the light filtering through the blinds to a hazy purply pink. The king-sized, four-poster bed was the centerpiece in Cord’s masculine bedroom—the only room he’d redecorated after his wife had left. A heavy mahogany nightstand with a stained-glass lamp on top was shoved in one corner, a matching bureau took up the largest wall and an antique wooden rocking chair was in front of the bay window. 69

    Lorelei James
    She leaned against the doorjamb to the master bath and watched Cord toeing off his Tony Lamas. He folded the comforter to the end of the bed, exposing plain white cotton sheets.
    Cord faced her as he unbuttoned his crisply ironed navy blue shirt.
    “Should I be doing that?” she asked.
    “Next time. If you put your hands on me anywhere right now, I guarantee I’ll be on you and in you before you can blink.”
    “Sounds good to me.”
    He growled and tossed his shirt on the dresser.
    AJ stared at his chest. Man. Talk about perfect. She wanted to sink her teeth into his hard pecs. Lick his bulging biceps. Suck the flat disks and see how fast his nipples hardened. Trace the ridged lines of his ripped abdomen with her tongue. Follow that intriguing trail of dark hair from his belly button down…way down to see exactly where the hair ended. She bit her lip as he lowered the zipper on his jeans.
    “AJ, I’m warnin’ you.”
    “Stop lookin’ at me like you wanna eat me alive.”
    “If you didn’t want me to look, Cord, you shouldn’t look so damn good.”
    That slow, sexy grin appeared. “Like what you see?”
    “I’ve always liked it . ” Even when I was a little girl and I didn’t know why I liked it so much.
    His jeans hit the floor and he was buck-ass naked.
    Her gaze zeroed in on his groin and her heart rate quadrupled. “Umm. Wow. Did it grow? Because it looks bigger.”
    “Kissin’ your red-hot love flower made this stem grow big and hard just for you, baby doll.”
    AJ managed to meet his eyes. “Love flower?”
    “Thought maybe you wanted some kinda sweet-talkin’ love words first.”

    Cowgirl Up and Ride
    “Is that the next step? Because I thought we’d just get naked and you’d put your stem—”
    Cord’s mouth cut off additional comment. He fiddled with her rhinestone belt and her skirt thudded on the floor. He released her mouth long enough to say, “Lift,” and yanked her T-shirt over her head. Snap . Her bra opened and he slid it off her arms. He walked her to the bed until the backs of her knees hit the mattress.
    His hands kneaded her breasts and then his hot mouth enclosed her nipple.
    AJ let out a squeak.
    “I wanna fuck you fast and get this first time out of the way so I can fuck you slow next time. Then fast the time after that. Then slow. I want to fuck you so many times in so many ways that you won’t be able to sit on a horse for a goddamn week, AJ.”
    Liquid heat pooled between her thighs, her pulse pounded and every part of her that wasn’t touching him ached to be touching him. “Cord—”
    “Get on the bed. In the middle.”
    She scooted back on her elbows until her neck brushed the pillows. The cotton sheets were cool beneath her feverish skin.
    Cord stood at the foot of the bed, stroking himself, eyeing her like she was the lottery, a gourmet meal, a prize-winning Thoroughbred—and he held a winning ticket to all three.
    As he stared at her, she wanted to tell him to hurry up; she wanted to tell him she was scared and to go slow. When he crawled across the mattress, stalking her with his big body and smoldering eyes, she knew she’d made the right decision waiting for this man to introduce her to the carnal delights of sex.
    He put his callused hands on the inside of her thighs and pushed them open.
    The tips of her nipples tightened when Cord lowered his head and licked a path from her clit up to her mouth. Even his kiss tasted darker. As he nibbled on her lips, she

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