CRASH (A Logan Brothers Novel)

CRASH (A Logan Brothers Novel) by L. A. Shorter

Book: CRASH (A Logan Brothers Novel) by L. A. Shorter Read Free Book Online
Authors: L. A. Shorter
    She avoided the question,
though, and turned the spotlight straight back onto me.
    I gave the sort of answer that I
always would when a girl asked me that sort of question. “Never
found the right girl. Been really busy with work recently.”
    It wasn't much of an explanation
to explain over 10 years without a girlfriend. But then again, maybe
it was the truth. I didn't care to give it much thought. It was
easier that way.
    I didn't stay too long with her.
If I did, she'd probably see the real me behind my facade. I saw her
off in a cab back to her dorm at about 2 AM. Weird to think that was
only 4 hours ago now.
    She'd given me this look of
thanks when we said goodbye and kissed my cheek. I enjoyed the touch
of her lips. They were soft and warm, her touch as light as she was.
    I told the cab driver to get her
home safe. There was a menace to my words. I didn't trust anyone,
that was my problem. His eyes told me that he knew who I was.
    She'd be safe then.
    One she'd left I hailed my own
cab and made a call, reverting to type. I arrived at Mel's place 20
minutes later and she saw to my needs. Now she was my normal type of
girl. Easy, experienced, hot as fucking hell.
    She had this jetblack hair set
against her tanned skin, a set of fake tips making her slightly top
heavy. The surgeon had done a fucking good job - they didn't look
fake at all.
    She curve of her ass as she bent
down in front of me was enough to make a man weep. The feel of it
when I slapped it with my hand gave me that feeling of power I'd
always craved. Power over women. Power in business. Now I had power
over my family.
    For some reason though. For some
fucked up, deranged reason, this shy little girl from California held
a power over me.
    A modicum of power, this tiny
strand of power, but power nonetheless.

Chapter 10 - Elle

    It was a Wednesday evening when
I sat up against the wall of the dance studio, looking at my
reflection in the mirror covering the opposite wall.
    Lexi sat beside me, her hair
slick with sweat, darkened by it. We looked like sisters, two little
Aryan girls sat side by side.
    Only she was prettier, and a
better dancer. The girl was as graceful as a swan, and just as
    We sat there now, panting as the
other girls in the class disappeared out of the door. Our instructor,
Claire, lingered for a moment in the corner before setting off as
    “ You will remember to lock up
won't you Lexi? I'll leave the keys in the lock for you. Just drop
them through my office letterbox when you're done.”
    Lexi had been a student here for
a while, so was entitled to these little perks and privileges. This
one simply meant she could keep on training and dancing in the studio
for as long as she wished on Wednesday evenings.
    I'd learned that Wednesday was
her only night off, so we often went for a drink after to catch up.
She might well have been the nicest girl I'd ever met. Everything I
said was greeted with genuine interest. Not feigned or overdone, just
completely real and sincere. She was so smiley and laughy, with one
of the cutest giggles I'd ever seen. I was frankly amazed that she
was single,
    “ I don't really have time for
a boyfriend,” was her answer. “What with my classes and my job in
the evening, you know. Anyway, I'm not sure many guys would be happy
about my job.”
    It was something that she never
really spoke about. She told me she just worked in a club. I assumed
that she meant behind the bar or in the cloakroom or something. I
wasn't one to probe in general, but had to ask.
    “ Why would a guy have a
problem with your job though? Aren't you a waitress or barmaid or
    She screwed up her face a
little. “Not exactly. I used to work behind the bar, now I work in
front of it.” She was suddenly a little abashed, her words less
bouncy and jovial.
    “ What do you mean?”
    She paused. “I don't know
Elle, its probably not something you wanna hear about.”
    “ Oh come on, you can't leave

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