Creatures of Snow
schedule that ends in AAL will be held here.”
    Sara was quick to pull out
her tablet and scan down her list. “So right now, Introduction
to Strategic Studies is an Arche class, it's this
    “Correct Ms. Rekkert.”
Without missing a beat Con backed right into the long desk and
hopped up.
    “And you're the teacher?”
It was the first time Sky had ever been excited to be in a
    Ellie let out a little
sound that could have been a laugh. “No, you've been assigned a Jr.
Instructor from the Arche Academy for classes like this. We're in
charge of your physical training and making sure you stay on task
with your REALM studies.”
    Sky’s heart sank a little,
but, if the instructor was anything like their mentors, then he had
nothing to worry about.
    “And here is Mr. Teacher
himself.” Con jumped down from the desk and clapped his hands
together. “Exactly on time, as always. You never cease to amaze me
Mr. Levit.”
    Sky turned slowly, dread
filling in where the excitement receded. Behind them the snooty boy
whose badge had gotten him into REALM the night before strode with
crisp, measured steps into the room. Their eyes met briefly and the
look of distaste again brushed his long features. A look that only
increased as he shifted his focus onto Con.
    "You two? What happened to
Josiah and Julia?" Roland said with a sneer.
    Con pulled a crumpled halo
card from his pocket and held it out to Roland. "They were
reassigned, Sir."
    Roland snatched the card
from Con and looked it over with a heavy sigh as he made his way
around the desk to the chair behind it. "Fine." he said plainly and
sat down. "How much have you told them?"
    Ellie had already sat down
behind one of the desks while Con kept his place hovering just off
to the side of Roland.
    "Nothing." Con shrugged
    "Good, now sit down."
Roland folded his hands in front of him and sat up even straighter
with the hint of a wicked smile, as if deriving some sort of
pleasure out of telling Con what to do.
    Once Con had loudly taken
the seat next to Ellie, Roland stood up and moved to the front of
his desk. "Let me start with a brief introduction to myself by
saying I am Roland Levitt, a third year student in the Arche
Academies secondary education program, but, just like your mentors
here, I have been within the Arche program since primary school. I
am a student of Medical Science and am held as a third level
Archimedes, studying directly under Master Zeph.”
    Con snorted a laugh, “They
don’t know what any of that means, you know.”
    Roland let out a heavy
sigh. “Then let me explain - At Arche every student must chose a
focus of study once they have been enrolled. There are two main
divisions – the Strategic & Science, and the Combat &
Command. Within each division there a multitude of different
categories you can choose. I chose Medical Science under the
Strategic & Science division. Is this explanation more to your
liking, Mr. Embers?”
    “It was beautiful.” Con
put a hand to his heart.
    “There also exists a
higher order reserved only for the most elite of students – The
Archimedes and the Choir. Unfortunately for you two, students who
transfer in from other districts rarely are accepted into their
orders. If by some miracle either of you are accepted into their
ranks I would at that time be more then happy to explain what they
are and what they do, but for now, I would like to get on with my
    “We get to go on missions
and earn credits and stuff. The higher your rank the harder your
tasks, but the more credits you can earn. Those with the highest
credits at the end of their final year are guaranteed jobs at the
ILA.” Con leaned over and whispered loudly towards Sky. “Work hard
and we might let you in our squad.”
    “That’s enough.” Roland
snapped, “You can leave Mr. Embers, I’m sure this will all be
rather boring to you.”
    “It’s in our best interest
to be around these two as much as we can for

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