Creatures of Snow
the next few days.”
Ellie stated with a sharp edge in her tone, “As their mentors they
are our responsibility and I would like to study them as much as
    “The right phrase would
have been, ‘ get to know them as much as possible’,” Con punched Ellie in the
shoulder. “You’re so creepy.”
    Sara raised her hand, she
had been stone-faced and silent the whole time, but her expression
now was one of annoyance.
    “Yes, Ms. Rekkert.” Roland
said, regaining some of his superiority complex.
    “As members of Axis, isn’t
all that irrelevant? From what we were told, we aren’t really part
of any traditional programs at all. Or do we have a choice?” Sara
tone was steady, but her last few words had a desperate
    Sky had felt the same pull
of desperation. They hadn’t ever been given a choice to join Axis,
but maybe there was still a chance to leave it and just be an
ordinary student.
    “I was merely explaining
my status and how the Arche Academy is set up.” Roland said
plainly, “Information is never irrelevant.”
    Sara’s face went red and
her eyes shot back down to the scratches in her desk.
    “As for choice…” Roland
looked to be mulling something over in his mind, chewing the inside
of his cheek, “No. You were chosen for Axis because of your unique
set of abilities. For you, your bloodline is why you were chosen.
We thought we were lucky to have Ellie, but she can’t claim more
than ¼ of the Blue Star lineage so to have a True Blood is an
opportunity we will not give up on easily.”
    “But, Director Thompson-”
Sara started.
    “If Director Thompson
would have followed through with his threat we would have taken
full responsibility and gotten you re-instated. Your mentors should
have been with you from the moment you arrived.” He gave a look of
heated warning towards Con and Ellie, “Professor Blanks is being
reprimanded for the delay in introductions. We can’t stand to lose
such a valuable asset over such a trivial matter.”
    Sky wondered if anyone
else recognized the mixture of reluctant acceptance on Sara’s face
as she slowly nodded her head.
    “You know she’s a person,
not an asset.” Sky knew he shouldn’t have said it, especially in
the way he said it.
    Roland didn’t bother to
address him, he just looked to Con, “Stopping his outbursts should
be first on your priority list.”
    “Yes, Sir.” Con shouted,
causing even Roland to jump. Con looked over to Sky with a dead
serious face. “Shhhhhh.” Con squinched up his face as he put his
finger to his lips, “You got that soldier. Shhhhhh.”
    He muffled a laugh. “Yes,
Sir.” Sky said as respectfully as he could.
    “Laugh it up.” Roland
pushed up his glasses with a sneer. “Everything’s a joke to Mr.
Embers. Let’s see how far that get’s you, how far it gets the both
of you.”
    “It’s got me to the top of
the ranks as a Chorister, that’s where.” Con edged towards a
serious statement.
    Roland stood and walked
towards them. No, not towards them, he was walking right at Sky.
Sky scooted back as far as he could into his chair as Roland came
right up to his desk and leaned down. He rested his long, slender
arms on the yellowed lacquered wood.
    “Do you think he’s funny?
You want to be just like that guy?” The scent of mint and soap rose
into his nose as Roland leaned in even closer.
    “I don’t want to be like
anybody, Sir.” Sky mumbled out, avoiding any and all eye
    “Well I hope that’s not
true.” Roland stood up straight and crossed his spidery arms, “You
want to know why you were chosen? It’s because your brother turned
it down.”
    Sky fought the look of
shock and hurt, but was pretty sure he was doing a bad job by the
way Roland’s small grin oozed into a toothy smile. “You were second
choice. We’re only hoping you can live up to his potential.”
    Even Con was quiet after
that. Roland began his lesson. Something about what wins a fight is
preparation and

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