Damned and Cursed (Book 6): Broken Home

Damned and Cursed (Book 6): Broken Home by Glenn Bullion Page A

Book: Damned and Cursed (Book 6): Broken Home by Glenn Bullion Read Free Book Online
Authors: Glenn Bullion
Tags: Urban Fantasy
barrel to her temple.
    "Stop!" Frank shouted.
    Byron looked up.   He had finished strangling his victim, and wiped the back of his wrist across his brow.   A trail of blood remained.   Reaching down, he grabbed a knife from the pew.   The blade looked like it had human flesh on it.   Ed continued to mumble and pray not far behind him.
    "Stop?" Byron said.   "Or you'll shoot me?   Sheriff, I think we both know now how far shooting me will get you."
    "No."   Janet flinched when Frank nudged her head with the barrel of the gun.   "I'll kill her."
    Byron laughed so hard he had to lean on the pew to keep upright.   Janet wasn't sure what was more terrifying.   The horrific scene surrounding her, or the sight of a man completely unaffected by it, laughing.
    His gaze focused on Frank, the smile gone.   Janet felt Frank's hand trembling.
    "Do you really think putting a gun to that woman's head is going to save you?   I'll kill her myself, just to get to you."
    Frank's voice cracked.   "You're bluffing!   I-I mean it!"
    "I know you do, tiny mortal."   Byron regarded the church hall, as if he were admiring his work.   "You know what's ironic?   You gathered your buddies here to summon something dark.   You accomplished exactly that, although probably not what you expected.   You'll be dead in just a few minutes.   Do you know that?   Do mortals sense when their end is coming?"
    A gust of wind suddenly blew through the church, blowing out several candles.   The air became heavy, oppressive.   Frank sensed it too, as he grabbed Janet tighter, sending a bolt of pain up her arm.
    Ed's praying grew louder, more intense.
    Different spots on the walls around them grew darker.   The darkness spread, like growing mold.   The hair stood up on the back of Janet's neck as a low, guttural moan moved through the church.   It was unlike anything she'd heard in her life.
    Byron only smiled.
    "Well, how about that?"   He moved closer to Ed, who was still oblivious to the world around him.   "Looks like this clown actually found a demonic gateway.   And I'm not helping any, decorating this place with your guts.   Oh well, Ed.   You gave it your best shot."
    Byron kicked over the cup.   The blood spilled and pooled around Ed's knees, along with the head of the goat.   The darkness on the walls retreated into itself.   The moaning stopped, and the air felt lighter.
    Only then did Ed finally open his eyes.
    "What happened?" he asked.   "I…I felt them.   They were coming."
    He jumped to his feet, confusion and sadness in his eyes.   After taking in the massacre, his gaze focused on Byron.
    "You…killed all of them?   All my friends?"
    "I tried.   I think I saw a few smart ones heading for the door, but I got most of them."   Byron rubbed his hands together, excited.   "Except for you and the lawman here.   Which I'll fix shortly."
    Byron cocked the knife near his ear.   Ed stepped back, nearly stumbling over his robe.   Janet reached out, but Frank held her in place.
    "No!" Janet shouted.   "Stop!"
    She was surprised when Byron actually did so.   Glancing back over his shoulder, he flashed Janet a look of curiosity.
    "Stop?   Why?"
    "Janet?" Ed asked, seeing her for the first time.   "What are you doing here?   Oh God, you're not supposed to be a part of this."
    Byron laughed to himself.   "Now he wants to bring God into it."
    "Well, I am a part of it.   Me, and the girls.   We're a very big fucking part of this!"
    "I did this for us!" Ed said.   "I know you don't understand, and I would have explained it to you, after it was all over—"
    "After what was all over?   After you chanted some more and killed a goat?"
    "Frank, get that gun away from her!   That's my wife!"
    For a moment, Janet thought she recognized the man she'd married.
    "Ed, I…."   Frank couldn't find the words.   "I just want to live."
    "Look at what you did to our kids!" Janet shouted.   "What the hell is wrong with you?"

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