The Dane Commission (The Dane Chronicles)

The Dane Commission (The Dane Chronicles) by Max Dane

Book: The Dane Commission (The Dane Chronicles) by Max Dane Read Free Book Online
Authors: Max Dane
something. Peering over the
top of the monitor, Ben said, “Ryan there’s been another incident. I need to
know what progress you’ve made so far.”
    “Yes sir, no problem.”
    Ryan went into as much detail as he
judged Ben was interested in hearing. When he got to the request he’d just made
of David and Jim, he wrapped up by saying, “I believe this test-bed will let us
see how errors are handled when the researchers enter them manually.”
    “Ryan, do you really believe your
‘typo’ theory could be the source of this?”
    “No sir, I don’t.”
”In fact, I recognize the time David and Jim will spend on this part of the
project is valuable, but it won’t be a wasted effort. It will prove
conclusively that no typo within the treatment entry, manual interface could
result in these errors. Ruling it out as a variable is equally important. My
intention is to identify and narrow the list of variables.”
    “Thanks, Ryan. I understand. You are
being very thorough.”
    Ben walked around his desk, and sat
down next to Ryan.
    “I’m concerned about this project Ryan,
but I really don’t know what more to do from our end. It sounds like you are
working your way through with a logical, methodical approach. And you have some
of my best people assisting you,” he said, “Please keep me updated on your work.
    Ryan stood up to leave.
    “And Ryan, do not hesitate to contact
me if you need help, or additional resources.”
    “Thank you Ben, I certainly will.”
    Ryan returned to his office and called
Ms. Allen’s assistant, Cynthia to check on her availability. Cynthia said Ms.
Allen was with someone currently, but would be free in about thirty minutes. He
made the appointment and hung up.
    Ryan looked over the notes he had
arranged regarding his upcoming test of the manual interface. He was going to
need a medical treatment to actually enter. Not sure where to go, he made a
note to remember to ask Jim.   Then he
headed upstairs to meet with Dorothy.
    When he arrived Cynthia ushered him
right into Dorothy’s office. Cynthia motioned for him to take a seat facing her
desk. Typing at her keyboard, Dorothy stopped and turned her monitor around so
Ryan could see it. There was a picture of someone in a hospital bed with a host
of tubes going in, and coming out all over their body. The face was obscured
behind a control panel attached over the chest.
It wasn’t pleasant to look at.
    Dorothy stood and walked to the window.
“We now have 145 documented cases of treatment error.
This is the first one that we failed to catch in time.
The person in that image will never regain consciousness. They were given
injections that permanently altered the cellular makeup of their genes. The
research department wants to review what has happened, and has requested that
we keep the patient alive, held in this state, for study.”
    “Ryan, I’ve made the details of this
case available for you.”
    She turned, sat back down and with a
controlled voice, she said, “What have you learned so far?”  
    Ryan explained as he had to Ben
everything up to the current point, where he was now waiting for the programmers
to arrange a test-bed for him to practice entering information for treatments.
    “Ryan, from what you’ve done so far, what is your opinion? Do you believe the
error is generated on the research side?”
    “No, Dorothy I don’t.”
    “Do you believe it could be an information services error, or more
specifically, a programming error?”
    He considered first what to say, and
chose his words carefully.

“I have first-hand experience with technicians who’ve overestimated their
systems. That factor will always be present. However, I’m wrapping up a test
that will likely prove there is no glitch from information services either.”
    She was clearly frustrated, “Then
what’s your next move?”
    “I wanted to ask for your help. I would
like to speak with someone from Patient Services

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