Daniel (Kings of Korruption MC)

Daniel (Kings of Korruption MC) by Geri Glenn Page A

Book: Daniel (Kings of Korruption MC) by Geri Glenn Read Free Book Online
Authors: Geri Glenn
he just asked me a question. Clearing my throat, I think back to what has just been said and I snap out of my daze. I am instantly furious all over again.
    Pulling back, I slam my fists onto my hips and turn my body so that I can see both officers. “No it is not!” I declare. “I came in to get help finding my brother, and this guy,” I jab my thumb in the direction of Officer Asshole, “said he was likely strung out in a crack house and that he didn’t have time for this shit.” I look back to the concerned officer. “I just want to find my brother. I don’t have time to waste at a police station if nobody is going to help me.”
    He stares at me while I tell my story, his jaw clenched tightly as I speak. When I am done his eyes swing to the other officer. “Frank, I’m reporting this.”
    Frank rolls his eyes. “Whatever, man. The kid she’s looking for is a punk. He’s messed up with the Crips. There’s no way in hell we’re gonna find him.”
    The well-dressed officer’s body is visibly tight and I can feel the anger coming off him in waves so I’m surprised when his eyes focus on me with a softness that makes my belly flutter. “Ma’am, please. Let me work on this with you. Of course we will do everything we can to find your brother.”
    I hear Officer Asshole scoff at his co-worker’s words but I’m too busy staring up at this beautiful policeman who is finally offering me some hope. My eyes wide and filling with tears of gratitude, I nod slowly. He gently takes my elbow and leads me past the indignant cop and right back to the room I just left.
    “Have a seat. I’ll be back in just a few minutes.”
    I nod at him wordlessly and slide back down into my still-warm seat. He stares at me for a moment before returning my nod and walking back out into the hallway, closing the door behind him.
    My mind is spinning. My anger at that jerk cop has my body shaking with adrenaline, but now that I know this new guy is going to help me, I am filled with relief. I just want to find Derrick. He’s all I have left since Mom moved away to live with her new husband, who Derrick and I hate with a passion.
    Just then, a loud smash from out in the hallway makes me jump in my seat. This is quickly followed by angry shouts. I can’t make out the words from behind the closed door, but I do recognize the voice of Officer Asshole. The shouts are quickly followed by a low, gruff mumble and then silence.
    I sit quietly, ears straining to hear what comes next, but there’s nothing. A few seconds later, the door opens and in walks the new cop. “Alright, Miss Monroe. Let’s get working on finding your brother.”

    My blood is still boiling as I sit down across from her. Fucking Frank. How that guy ever became a cop is a goddamn mystery to me. He is one of the laziest assholes I’ve ever met. In fact, I have no clue what he even does around here. I am done with his bullshit. I’m taking this right to the Chief when I’m through with Miss Monroe. He can’t treat people like this, and he’s been getting away with it for far too long.
    Taking a deep breath, I shove all thoughts of Frank Johnston out of my mind and focus on the girl across from me. It’s not hard to do. She’s beautiful and… different. Her hair is long and black, the curls cascading halfway down her back. She has a large white flower tucked just above her ear that matches the flowered dress she’s wearing. Her blue eyes are made up dramatically with heavy eyeliner and smokey lids, and her lips are a bright, rosy red that I can’t stop staring at. She looks like she just stepped off the cover of a 1950s magazine.
    Her bright eyes stare back at me expectantly and I have to clear my throat to give myself a moment to think. “Okay. Miss Monroe –“
    “Gabby,” she cuts in. Her voice is smokey and it throws me off.
    “My name is Gabby.”
    I stare at her a moment then nod. “Right. Gabby. I’m Sergeant Lawson.

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