The Mark of Zorro

The Mark of Zorro by JOHNSTON MCCULLEY

Book: The Mark of Zorro by JOHNSTON MCCULLEY Read Free Book Online
never set eyes upon your daughter until this evening, but she has captivated me, señor. Never have I seen such grace and beauty, such flashing eyes! I ask your permission, señor, to pay my addresses to the señorita.”

    Here was a fix! Don Carlos had no wish to anger Don Diego Vega or a man who stood high in the governor’s regard. And how was he to evade it? If Lolita could not force her heart to accept Don Diego, perhaps she could learn to love Captain Ramón. After Don Diego, he was the best potential son-in-law in the vicinity.
    â€œYour answer, señor?” the captain was asking.
    â€œI trust you will not misunderstand me, señor,” Don Carlos said, in lower tones. “I must make a simple explanation.”
    â€œProceed, señor.” “But this morning Don Diego Vega asked me the same question.”
    â€œYou know his blood and his family, señor. Could I refuse him? Of rights, I could not. But I may tell you this—the señorita weds no man unless it is her wish. So Don Diego has my permission to pay his addresses, but if he fails to touch her heart—”
    â€œThen I may try?” the captain asked.
    â€œYou have my permission, señor. Of course, Don Diego has great wealth, but you have a dashing way with you, and Don Diego—that is—he is rather—”
    â€œI understand perfectly, señor,” the captain said, laughing. “He is not exactly a brave and dashing caballero. Unless your daughter prefers wealth to a genuine man—”
    â€œMy daughter will follow the dictates of her heart, señor!” Don Carlos said proudly.
    â€œThen the affair is between Don Diego Vega and myself?”
    â€œSo long as you use discretion, señor. I would have nothing happen that would cause enmity between the Vega family and mine.”
    â€œYour interests shall be protected, Don Carlos,” Captain Ramón declared.
    As Don Diego talked, the Señorita Lolita observed her father and Captain Ramón, and guessed what was being said. It pleased her, of course, that a dashing officer should enter the lists for her hand, and yet she had felt no thrill when first she looked into his eyes.
    Señor Zorro, now, had thrilled her to the tips of her tiny toes, and merely because he had talked to her, and touched the palm of her hand with his lips. If Don Diego Vega were only more like the highwayman! If some man appeared who combined Vega’s wealth with the rogue’s spirit and dash and courage!
    There was a sudden tumult outside, and into the room strode the soldiers, Sergeant Gonzales at their head. They saluted their captain, and the big sergeant looked with wonder at his wounded shoulder.
    â€œThe rogue escaped us,” Gonzales reported. “We followed him for a distance of three miles or so, as he made his way into the hills, where we came upon him.”
    â€œWell?” Ramón questioned.
    â€œHe has allies.”
    â€œWhat is this?”
    â€œFully ten men were waiting for him there, my captain. They set upon us before we were aware of their presence. We fought them well, and three of them we wounded, but they made their escape and took their comrades with them. We had not been expecting a band, of course, and so rode into their ambush.”
    â€œThen we have to contend with a band of them!” Captain Ramón said. “Sergeant, you will select a score of men in the morning, and have command over them. You will take the trail of this Señor Zorro, and you will not stop until he is either captured or slain. I will add a quarter’s wages to the reward of his excellency, the governor, if you are successful.”
    â€œHa! It is what I have wished!” Sergeant Gonzales cried. “Now we shall run this coyote to earth in short order! I shall show you the color of his blood—”
    â€œâ€˜Twould be no more than right, since he has seen

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