Daniel's Desire

Daniel's Desire by Sherryl Woods

Book: Daniel's Desire by Sherryl Woods Read Free Book Online
Authors: Sherryl Woods
deliberately formed an alliance between herself and Kendra. He was going to have to keep that in mind, however he chose to handle things.
    “Why did she run away, Molly? She must have told you by now.”
    To his surprise she shook her head. “She hasn’t said much, not really. I just know she’s terrified of going home. She flatly refuses to consider it. I tried to talk her into calling her folks to let them know she’s safe, but she’s refused to do that either.”
    He wasn’t entirely convinced that was the full extent of Molly’s knowledge, but he let it pass for now. “What’s your instinct telling you? Has she been abused?”
    “Not physically,” she said at once. “She was adamant about that.”
    “You asked?”
    “Of course, Daniel,” she said with a trace of impatience. “I want to get to the bottom of this as badly as you do.”
    “And you’re convinced she wasn’t lying?”
    “Not about that. I’m sure of it. She looked absolutely horrified that I’d even asked.”
    “There are all kinds of abuse,” he pointed out.
    “I’m aware of that. Hasn’t Joe discovered anything?”
    “He says that on the surface everything at home looks picture perfect. She’s from a nice middle-class family. She’s the oldest. She’s always had straight As, gotten involved in a lot of activities, seems popular enough.”
    “Then why hasn’t he forced the issue?” Molly demanded. “You’ve both known she was with me for more than a week now. If things are so rosy at home, why haven’t the two of you swooped in to take her?”
    “Chalk it up to an abundance of caution.” Daniel met her gaze. “Because it doesn’t add up that a kid in that situation at that age would take off just for the thrill of it. There has to be a reason, at least one that seems valid enough to her. Joe’s with the parents today. Depending on what he uncovers, we could be at the end of the line unless Kendra can give us some real reason for not taking her back. Can you talk her into meeting with me? I promise I won’t pressure her. Maybe the three of us could have dinner, someplace away from the bar. Having you there might make her feel more comfortable. This is important, Molly. It can’t be put off.”
    Molly nodded. “Okay, I get that. When?”
    “Tonight, if possible. The sooner the better. Joe and I can’t sit on this much longer. He’s especially vulnerable because he’s ignoring the fact that he could get a missing kid back home again. Cops have been fired for less.”
    “Then why has he been taking the risk?” Molly asked. “Why have you?”
    Daniel met her gaze evenly. “Because, despite what you think, we both trust your instincts. I know you would never have allowed Kendra to stay if you didn’t believe in your heart that she was genuinely terrified of going back home. And Joe’s got instincts of his own. He’s checking them out. We’re all putting ourselves on the line to protect her, Molly, you included. If this blows up and anyone finds out you’ve knowingly been keeping us in the dark, you-know-what could hit the fan.”
    Molly regarded him with surprise. “You’ve let it ride because of me?”
    Daniel gave her a rueful smile. “Hey, don’t let it go to your head. I’ve always thought you had your good points.”
    She dramatically clutched a hand to her chest. “Be still my heart.”
    His expression sobered. “Molly, convince Kendra to meet with me this evening. It’s for the best.”
    “I’ll do what I can,” she promised.
    “Then I’ll pick you both up at six,” he said with confidence. And if it happened that she couldn’t talk Kendra into coming, having Molly all to himself wouldn’t be so bad, either. It might be the last chance they had to make peace before both of their lives were turned inside out over the actions they had—andhadn’t—taken to get Kendra Morrow back to her folks.
    “Hey, Molly,” he said as she headed for the door. She turned back. “Don’t change. I

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