Dark Love (The Two Sides of Me Book 3)

Dark Love (The Two Sides of Me Book 3) by Amy Garcia Page B

Book: Dark Love (The Two Sides of Me Book 3) by Amy Garcia Read Free Book Online
Authors: Amy Garcia
fears my husband. From the little I’ve been able to piece together, I know he was merciless and vengeful, but there were acts of beneficence spattering his life of crime and cruelty, first and foremost there was Cameron. He had nothing to gain from helping that little girl he found in the gutter that day long ago, which proves to me that the man I love has always been hiding inside, waiting for his chance to be freed.
    “Hey.” Simone startles me when he pulls up a chair next to me.
    “He did ok, Dr. Carter got it all, every last bit of that tumor is gone, trust me. He really is quite amazing, but I guess when your life is on the line you do your best work.” He says accusingly.
    “What? Are you kidding me? You’re not on his side are you?”
    “Of course not, Mia, we may have been able to handle it a little less dramatically however if you had come to me.”
    “Well I didn’t have time, Simone, he was on the fucking floor dying and the only asshole who could save him was having a sick pleasurable moment watching it happen. I was desperate.” I’m pissed, how could he possibly have any sympathy for David?
    “Where is he anyway?” I ask.
    “David? He’s been readmitted when he completed the surgery he collapsed. You’re lucky he was able to finish; he wasn’t in any condition to be doing surgery let alone one of this magnitude. He could have killed him accidentally and himself and his nurse as a result.” I open my mouth to defend myself but close it when I can’t find the words. I hadn’t even considered David’s true state of health, I didn’t care, I just wanted what I wanted and to hell with everyone else. God, who have, I become? Now that the surgery is over I can see more clearly and Simone’s right, I was heartless.
    “I didn’t think…it never occurred…”
    “I know. These are the kinds of decisions we make every day but never while under emotional duress.”
    “Who’s we?” I ask. I know Gabriella suspects, but the least I can do for her is find out for sure if Simone is involved with the same organization that Evan is. He doesn’t answer, he doesn’t need to, I equate the slight eye roll he gives me an admission.
    “Ok so yea I can see now, maybe I should have waited, calmed down a little even. But you know as well as I do David wasn’t going to cooperate without being strong handed. And I didn’t know you were anything other than a physician, Simone, how would I have known to come to you? Nobody was there; nobody could force him but me.”
    “It’s done, no matter now. In the future though could you briefly consult me before threatening people's lives?”
    “Yea. Now that I know you’re part of the mafia I’ll be sure to call you up and ask properly for a hit to be put out.” I snort.
    “That’s all I ask.” He answers seriously, and I’m pointedly silenced. Nothing like this is going to happen again surely? I took his request lightly but maybe I should have given it more weight. “I’m going to take Gabriella home. They won’t allow anyone but you to see him until tomorrow, I’m only here as a consulting physician. Get some rest.”
    I nod and watch him go. I sigh heavily and drop my head against the tall-backed chair and close my eyes but before I allow myself to drift I sit up and dig through my purse. When I’ve located my iPad and earbuds, I key up a very long playlist of classical music including his favorite Jocelyn Pook. I insert one ear bud into the ear on the opposite side of his head from his long incision and barely turn the volume on.
    Now I rest, and he heals, whoever “He” ends up being.

It’s been two days. Two long days of waiting. Two agonizing days of worrying. Two tormenting days of anticipating the moment Evan opens his eyes and we find out who he is. We have been taking baby steps; first I was shown the wound by a neurosurgeon following up for David. It’s pretty gruesome but it’s just flesh and bone, I know it will

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