Dark One Rising
been lax in his good behavior more than normal lately, and I cannot seem to talk him out of his decisions. This would give him something to keep him away from the destructive path he seems to be walking down. The harlots, the drinking and fighting. I swear that boy does it just to make me sweat. He has a big heart though, just as his father had, and the people love him. I fear for him. But this may just keep him in line. He’s loyal to his friends, and he’ll do whatever it takes to protect her if I ask. That I can guarantee.”
    “Thank you, Alek; I didn’t know where else to turn. If this turns out alright, I will owe you my life.”
    “Friends do not owe favors, Kevaan. Just promise me you’ll not be out of touch as long next time.”
    “I won’t.”
    “And if you hear anything more, keep me apprised.”
    “I will.”
    Alek rubbed a hand across his chin in thought, then asked. “Are you sure she’ll stay put for your return?”
    “The Duke and his entourage will arrive at the castle in three days. I will have her out and to whatever rendezvous point you suggest before that. I won’t tell my father. By the time she is discovered missing, you will have her on her way to Drydon Keep by then.”
    Alekzand’r looked concerned, his head snapping to attention. “I saw Fallon and his men heading for the castle two days ago. I stuck to the woods. They were on the trading route road. I wondered what their hurry was. They’ll be at the castle by tomorrow evening if they keep up the pace they were in.”
    “What? He’s arriving earlier than expected.”
    “On purpose I would imagine. Arriving early guarantees surprise, which means not enough time for your father to try something against him.”
    “That doesn’t leave me any time at all. If Melenthia gets word that he is nearer than expected, she will flee, and I won’t be there to stop her.”
    “Is she clever enough at least to stick to the woods?”
    “Yes, I would bet that she would do her best not to be seen by anyone who would betray her. The people of the near-by villages love her, so they might harbor her, but I don’t think she would risk being seen down the main roads.”
    “That still gives us some time. Return to the castle. Fly like the wind, Kevaan. You must get there before he does. You need to be there when he arrives. Take the old mining road and then cut your way north along the river. It may get you there just ahead, but barely. I will stick to the woods and back roads myself and keep my eye open for her. I promise I will find her and keep her hidden. I must go to an old friend, but it won’t take long. He will give me a way to hide from them and stay hidden all the way to Drydon Keep. Do what you can; I will do the rest.”
    Kevaan placed a hand on his shoulder again and squeezed. “Thank you, Alek.”
    “No thanks needed. Fallon is an awful punishment for anyone, especially one as lovely and kind hearted as Melenthia. I will do everything in my power to keep her safe, or die trying.”
    They nodded to each other, pulled up their hoods once again, and rode off in opposite directions.
    Alekzand’r galloped hard down the back roads, keeping himself hidden from eyes that might be watching. He thought about what Kevaan had told him. The worry he had about Duke Fallon seemed more urgent now, knowing what he knew. It seemed his want for power and domination were crossing over both borders and seeping into the houses of those who would most likely stand against him. If he wasn’t careful his house would be next. He couldn’t think of a rational reason why he would be attempting to control King Randor, but when speaking of Fallon, there was no rationality in anything. He was power hungry, and it seemed to Alek now, that the stories the locals told were more than just stories. Perhaps Fallon had indeed sold his soul to the Dark One in order to gain more power over the land. The thought was more than frightening; it gave him a

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