Dark Quest
There are garrisons at River’s Run and Tice, but they are not going to bother you that far south.”
    King Guldar knew he had found the solution for his troublesome army, a feast on Kingdom men. “So, once again you wish us to do your work for you, Mordac.”
    Mordac laughed. If the goblins kept getting smarter, pretty soon they would have half a brain. “It doesn’t matter to me whether or not you seek vengeance on the man who killed hundreds, if not thousands of your people. I am here to inform you of his location as a favor to you for past assistance given to my Master, Sarac.”
    “Will you join us in battle, Master Magician?”
    “I cannot be bothered with such trivial matters.” The thought of witnessing King Guldar and his goblins feasting on men didn’t do much for the dinner Mordac had just eaten. “I have nations to kill. When I am through, King Guldar and his people will have much land to live on and many bodies to loot. Do well and seek your vengeance. I may have another party for you later in the year.”
    King Guldar had no doubt that Mordac would call again when he needed true warriors to battle somewhere. Still, Sarac had always treated him fairly and Mordac was his chosen spokesman. “We look forward to your next visit, Wizard. May your flight bring you pleasure.”
    The raven took to the air and King Guldar called a war council. Alexander Tork had been found and he was to die.

    Alex was pleased with the progress of his men. They were climbing the mountains like they had been doing it all of their lives. The Rangers were almost ready to take to the field. One more week and he would head them south. It would feel good to get back to Tagaret. It would feel even better if he could get to see Jenneva again. Since Oscar’s wedding he couldn’t get her out of his mind.
    It had shocked him when he had actually sent his thoughts to her. She laughed at him afterwards. She said that mind speech was one of the most common abilities, but people never develop it because they have no idea they possess the ability. He had fun practicing it with her afterwards, and even tested her to see if she could sense the thoughts that he didn’t send to her. He was finally convinced that she was not trying to read his mind and he was actually transmitting his thoughts only when he wanted to.
    Well, he would see her soon enough. Right now he had an Army to train and they would be starting again very early in the morning. He checked the guards one last time and went to sleep.

Chapter 6
    The guard woke Alex well before dawn. Alex followed the guard to the ridge and peered into the valley below. Dozens of campfires were burning and more were being lit as Alex watched. An army was amassing below him, an army that had marched through most of the night. This army, whoever they were, was in a hurry to get somewhere. Alex had not been informed of any planned maneuvers in the area, but that did not preclude the possibility of it being the King’s Army.
    “Corporal, rouse Lieutenant Jaynes and have him report immediately.”
    Within moments, Lieutenant Jaynes was standing beside Alex watching the campfires grow. “What do you think, Alex?”
    “I’m not sure, David. I want you to take six men down to find out who they are. Do not engage them, just observe. And David, I don’t want your men detected. I don’t care if it’s the King’s Army led by the King himself, no detection.”
    Lieutenant Jaynes left and Alex ordered the smoldering campfires extinguished. A sense of déjà vu fell over Alex as he remembered his journey with Fergy two years ago. In any event this would be a good test for Lieutenant Jaynes. Alex decided to grab a cup of coffee before it cooled. Even in Spring the mountain heights were cool at night. Alex continued to watch the growing campfires until Lieutenant Jaynes returned.
    “Alex,” reported Lieutenant Jaynes, “it’s goblins. They are armed to the teeth and seemed hard pressed to get

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