Dark Truth

Dark Truth by Mariah Stewart

Book: Dark Truth by Mariah Stewart Read Free Book Online
Authors: Mariah Stewart
don’t usually like to say it this way, but the Landry name does carry a lot of weight in law enforcement. Dad had a tremendous readership among cops, coast to coast. He was very much pro-law, and they all knew it. He’d do book signings at small stores in small towns all across the country, and the place would be mobbed with cops. Same thing in the cities. They shared a very tight relationship. So I am not the least bit concerned about whether we’ll get the files. It’s simply a matter of when.”
    “I’m looking forward to going through them.” Nina paused to reflect for a moment, then added, “At least, I think I am.”
    “It’s not going to be pretty, I should warn you. You’re going to see and read a lot of things you might wish you’d skipped.” Regan slanted a sideways glance at Nina. “You know, I could always look through the files first, if you’d like. I’ve gone through countless police files. It takes a lot to rattle me.”
    “Thanks, Regan, I appreciate the offer. But I think I need to do this myself.” Nina fell silent.
    “You’ll read some things about your dad that might upset you.”
    “I’ve been upset about my dad for almost half my life,” Nina said softly, staring straight ahead.
    “This will be different. There will be reports in there detailing his relationships with all of these women. There will be statements that will be very upsetting to you.”
    “I understand.”
    “Well, just keep in mind that you can always count on me. If you want to talk things over, if you have any questions about things that don’t seem right . . .” Regan’s voice trailed away.
    “I’m sure I’ll have questions. I’m sure we’ll have lots to talk about. And actually, if we’re going to try to piece this thing together with an eye toward proving or disproving my father’s allegations, you’re going to have to go through it all yourself. I’m sure you’ll pick out things that aren’t obvious to me. I’ve had no experience reading police reports, whereas you’ve been reading them for years.”
    “Hey, when other kids were reading Golden Books, I was reading autopsy reports and witness statements at my father’s knee.”
    “I could almost believe that.” Nina smiled.
    “Well, just keep in mind that you’re allowed to skip things. Don’t feel you have to read the entire file.”
    “I know. Thanks.”
    A few minutes later, Nina said, “You’re right about one thing. I’m not looking forward to reading in-depth accounts of my father’s relationships with these girls.”
    “That’s going to be tough,” Regan said softly.
    “For me, personally, that whole older man–young girl thing has always been creepy. Throw in the fact that the old man is my father, and it raises the
factor to new heights.”
    “I can’t even begin to imagine. I often wondered if my father had any relationships with any of the women he knew, after my mother died. If he did, he never gave any indication.”
    “You think he kept them from you?”
    “My dad never was much for secrets.” Regan shook her head. “He always liked things right out there on the table.”
    “Still, you’re wondering about it.”
    “I am. There was a woman named Dorothea who used to call the house from time to time. Dad would take the call in his office and close the door. I always wondered what was going on there.”
    “You think they got together when he was doing book tours?”
    “I don’t know when he would have. I was usually with him.” Regan smiled. “It just always made me curious. It’s sort of intriguing, thinking about your parents having secret lives.”
isn’t exactly the word I’d choose right now.”
    “Oh, for God’s sake, I can’t believe I said that.” Regan’s face went scarlet. “I’m so sorry. Of all the thoughtless things to say . . .”
    “It’s okay.” Nina smiled in spite of herself. Regan was the last person on earth who’d deliberately try to make anyone

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