Dead on Arrival

Dead on Arrival by Mike Lawson

Book: Dead on Arrival by Mike Lawson Read Free Book Online
Authors: Mike Lawson
the small issue that he wasted his entire family before he decided to take on two F-Sixteens in a Cessna.’
    DeMarco had to concede that point too.
    ‘Going back to the al-Qaeda link,’ DeMarco said, ‘was there any evidence that he had accomplices?’
    ‘The Bureau’s still looking into that,’ Hansen said. ‘Half the people Zarif represented were on the FBI’s watch list, but so far there’s no evidence that anybody helped him. He didn’t need any help to fly that plane, and as for somebody other than family being in his house, there’s no indication that there was. The neighbors didn’t see anybody around that morning, and there were no strange cars parked in the neighborhood. The only thing is, the Zarif house is right on Sixty-six and one of those noise-suppression walls runs along his backyard line. Theoretically , somebody could have parked on the highway, ninja’d over the wall, and gotten into his house that way, but that’s pretty unlikely.’
    ‘There were no unidentified fingerprints found in the house?’ DeMarco said.
    ‘There was a shitload of unidentified prints,’ Hansen said. ‘The Bureau matched about eighty percent of them to Zarif’s family and their friends and his clients, but they still have a bunch they can’t tie to anybody. So far they haven’t found a print for anybody that’s some kinda radical Muslim al-Qaeda wing nut.’
    ‘But they still have twenty percent of the prints unidentified?’
    ‘Yeah, but it’s early.’
    ‘How ’bout the gun Reza used to kill his family. I heard’ – DeMarco couldn’t tell Hansen that his source was Reza Zarif’s brother – ‘that Reza Zarif never owned a gun in his life.’
    ‘According to one of his friends,’ Hansen said, ‘Zarif had talked about buying a gun a couple months ago. There’d been some vandalism at his place, somebody spray-painting anti-Muslim shit on his door, and when those yahoos tried to blow up the Harbor Tunnel, his family started getting threatening phone calls. And that really got Zarif upset. So anyway, Zarif’s flying buddy said Reza had been thinking about getting a gun.’
    ‘Was the gun registered in Reza’s name?’ DeMarco asked.
    ‘No, but the Bureau has a pretty good idea where he got it from: a punk named Donny Cray.’
    ‘What are you talking about?’
    ‘The Bureau found a fingerprint on a box of bullets in Reza’s house. They found a partial thumbprint on the little flap thing that you use to close the box, and they matched the print to Cray. He’s a small-time punk who’s into a lot of stuff, mostly gun and drug related. DEA and ATF both have him in their files. Anyway, one of the things Cray has been known to do is steal guns – or buy stolen guns from his friends – and sell ’em at swap meets. So the Bureau thinks there’s a good chance Reza got his gun from him. The FBI figured a guy like Reza, an Arab -looking guy, wouldn’t try to buy a gun legally because he’d be worried that after he filled out the paperwork some redneck gun-shop owner would report him as a potential terrorist.’
    ‘So how does the Bureau know Cray wasn’t involved in some way?’
    ‘For a couple of reasons,’ Hansen said. ‘First, the only fingerprint from Cray found in the house was the one partial print on the bullet box, while Reza’s prints were all over the gun, on all the bullets in the clip, and on the casings of the bullets that had been fired. It was obvious that Reza had loaded the gun himself.
    ‘The second reason why the Bureau’s sure that Cray wasn’t involved,’ Hansen said, ‘is motive. Or, in this case, lack of a motive. Donny Cray was into dope and guns, not radical Muslim causes, and there’s no logical reason why some Virginia peckerhead like him would help Zarif try to fly a plane into the White House.’
    ‘Has Cray admitted to selling Reza the gun?’ DeMarco said.
    ‘Not yet. The Bureau can’t find him.’
    ‘Can’t find him?’
    ‘The guy lives in a

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