too bad I had other ideas. I am the shame of my family, the bad seed whose name will be quietly erased from the family tree the day after my picture gets posted on the Wall. I am the one who couldn’t be content playing nicely withthe other children, and who had to go out and get her hands all dirty.
    It’s days like this when I miss Georgia most of all. I may have abandoned the Newsies to go Irwin the second the opportunity presented itself, but she understood what I meant when I talked about my family, about not being sorry that I let them down. The things that made her a pretty lousy friend made her an excellent boss, and I think this would all be a hell of a lot easier if she were here.
    Mom, Dad? The next horrible thing I do in public is for you. I hope you choke on it.
Charming Not Sincere
, the blog of Rebecca Atherton, March 8, 2041

    Hello, darlings! I hope you’re ready for some sizzling romance, swashbuckling adventure, tragic love, and mysterious happenings, because all those and more are on the schedule for this week. I’ll be on the live chat every night from seven to ten Pacific time, and I’m always happy to talk about anything your little hearts desire. I’m your private Scheherazade, and I’m here to tell you stories all night long. Welcome to Maggie’s House of Horrors—I hope you’re planning to stay for a while.
    After all, you know I always miss you when you’re gone.
Dandelion Mine
, the blog of Magdalene Grace Garcia, April 11, 2041

    W hat are we going to do?”
    Becks asked the question, but all three of my staffers were looking at me with near-identical expressions of impatient expectation on their faces. It was all I could do to not turn and flee the room. They were expecting me to give them a direction; they were expecting me to make the call; they were expecting me to be George.
    “What are we going to do?” I echoed, hoping they’d take the question as rhetorical.
    The person it was aimed at didn’t. There are small mercies.
We’re going to find out what’s going on, and we’re going to scream it from the mountaintops,
said George. I repeated each word a half-beat behind her, creating a weird delay that no one outside my head could hear.
We’re going to do our jobs. We’re going to go out there, and we’re going to get the news.
    All four of the people in the room were staring at me by the time I—we—finished our little speech. Alaric was the first to look a yoducking his head slightly as he turned back to his computer screen. Dude alwayswanted me to be my sister when it came time to make a decision, but he was never okay with it when I actually did.
    “That’s great and everything, but there are a few things to work out,” said Dave. He held up a finger. “What do we do with Doc here?” A second finger. “If we don’t know whether it’s safe to talk to the CDC, where the hell are we supposed to start?” A third finger. “What are we going to say to the rest of the site? This isn’t you and a little team and a van anymore. This is a business. We can’t go chasing a story we can’t talk about, maybe even disappear on everybody, and expect them to be cool with it.”
    “Call Rick, see what he says,” said Becks.
    “I’m pretty sure we can’t call the vice president of the United States with ‘Hey, we have a dead CDC researcher who says somebody’s trying to suppress her research,’ ” I replied. “We’re going to call Rick, but we need more than we have before we do it.”
    Becks looked mollified. Rick Cousins used to be one of our staff Newsies. Now he’s helping run the country. That gave us a certain degree of access to the president, but if we were going to announce that the sky was falling, we needed to have some proof.
    “And the rest?” asked Dave.
    “Starting with your third question, we’re going to tell Mahir, because he already knows, and we’re going to tell Maggie,” I said. “We can figure

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