Deadly Intent

Deadly Intent by Lillian Duncan

Book: Deadly Intent by Lillian Duncan Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lillian Duncan
Tags: Christian fiction
the coolness whispered against her skin. A basement. She couldn’t let her put him in there. She struggled, but the handcuffs kept her unbalanced, and she couldn’t really fight him.
    A small light came on.
    He began pushing her down the steps.
    It took all her energy to keep from falling into the black abyss. At the bottom of the steps, another bare light bulb lit up the area, just barely.
    Her mind rebelled, refused to believe what she was seeing. This couldn’t be happening. She struggled, but he was stronger.
    He pushed her toward the chain link fence that went from the dirt floor almost to the ceiling. Beyond the gate was other chain link fencing forming cages. He unlocked the padlock and pushed her through the smaller gate.
    She fell onto the damp dirt floor.
    He leaned over her and a moment later, her handcuffs were chained to the gate he’d just pushed her through.
    “You told me Joshua was here. Where’s Joshua?”
    “All in good time. For now, you can meet your new roommates.”

    Paul walked back into Maven’s condo.
    Lizzie was alone, sitting on the couch with an open Bible on her lap. Taking off her reading glasses, she set the Bible and the glasses on the coffee table. Her eyes were red. “Anything?
    “Nothing. The helicopter took me over the area Maven should have been. When we didn’t find her there, we flew over the whole city and the other highways that lead back here. And still nothing.”
    Tears leaked from Lizzie’s eyes.
    Paul wanted to cry, too.
    Time was of the essence when it came to missing persons investigations.
    “How can someone just disappear?” Lizzie asked as she reached for another tissue.
    “Unfortunately, it happens all the time. Do you know how many missing people there are in Ohio right now?”
    She shook her head. “Do you?”
    “Well, I don’t have an exact number, but I know it’s much bigger than it should be. More than people realize.”
    “And apparently there’s one more added to that number as of now.” The last part of her words came out as a sob.
    “We’re not giving up, Lizzie. We’ll find her.”
    “Yeah, and I’m sure that’s what all the other missing people’s families say, too.”
    “It’s not like you to give up.”
    “I know.” She wiped more tears. “But I have a really bad feeling.”
    “Keep praying and keep your faith. Remember Jesus couldn’t do many miracles in his home town because of their lack of faith.”
    She nodded, but looked utterly defeated. “Where’s Ella?”
    “After the helicopter ride, I talked her into going home with the promise I would call her if there were any new developments.”
    “So, what do we do now?”
    “I’m calling Trent Snoddy and we’ll have her picture on the eleven o’clock news if I have anything to say about it.” He pulled out his cell phone and stabbed at the numbers. “Trent, this is Paul Jordon. I’ve got a problem.” After explaining the situation, he continued. “I know it’s unusual to put a missing persons report out for an adult, but I really think we need to.”
    “It’s not only unusual, but almost unheard of. We don’t really have any type of confirmation that she’s missing. The woman could be at a movie, for all we know.”
    Paul’s knuckles turned white as he gripped the phone in an effort to maintain his composure and his patience. “I know that, but when you factor in that she’s the foster mother of a missing child, that has to change things.” There was a pause at the other end of the phone. Paul counted to ten, not wanting to interrupt Trent’s thinking process. “Well?”
    The agent finally answered. “I agree—”
    “Great. Let’s get the report going while we contact some of the Cleveland TV stations.”
    “Hold on. I said I agree, but that doesn’t mean my bosses will.”
    “Whatever. You work it from your angle, and I’ll contact the county sheriff to get things moving here. I want the information on the eleven

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