Deadly Intent: An Action Thriller (Adrian Hell Series Book 4)

Deadly Intent: An Action Thriller (Adrian Hell Series Book 4) by James P. Sumner Page B

Book: Deadly Intent: An Action Thriller (Adrian Hell Series Book 4) by James P. Sumner Read Free Book Online
Authors: James P. Sumner
little acquisition from some former associates south of the border. It serves its purpose.” He gestures to the black bag and smiles. “I see you got our little care package?”
    I nod. “Yeah, thanks. Lots of nice toys to play with. You expecting me to run into much trouble then?”
    Clark shakes his head. “Hopefully not, Adrian, but I know how you like to be prepared. I’m hoping you won’t need any of the weapons in there, and the camera and microphone are for our surveillance of the target and location.”
    I smile to myself as I try to think of an occasion in the past where a situation has gone exactly to plan, and I’ve not needed a weapon to resolve things… None spring to mind.
    I take a quick look out the window as we leave the airport and head out into the city along the Van Wyck expressway.
    “So what do you know?” asks Clark.
    “Only what Josh and Schultz told me,” I reply.
    “Did they show you the photo?”
    I fix him with a hard stare. “Yes.”
    He nods. “Well, do me a favor—get me Hussein before you go all Charles Bronson on me, okay?”
    I can’t help but smile. “I’ll do my best,” I say.
    He nods and falls silent for a moment. We carry on past Willow Lake, and come off at Flushing Meadows, heading west alongside the Long Island expressway, all the way to Queens.
    “Adrian, I… I heard what these people did to your bar back in Texas. I’m sorry you got dragged into all this, truly I am.”
    “Not your fault, Bob,” I say. “But I appreciate the sentiment. I’ll get this guy for you, and hopefully you’ll be able to stop these assholes from doing whatever it is they’re planning to do, before anyone else gets hurt.”
    “We’ll do what we can.”
    23:09 EDT
    We navigate the traffic for another ten minutes or so, eventually turning onto 55 th Avenue in Queens, and coming to a stop outside an anonymous-looking one story house halfway up the right side of the street.
    “Here we are,” announces Clark.
    I raise an eyebrow and look at him. “Really?”
    He smiles. “It’s a safe house—the whole point is you put them where no one will think to look for them,” he replies.
    “Oh, I understand the concept, don’t get me wrong. It’s just I figured with your budget you’d have sprung for something a little less run down.”
    Clark laughs. “Well, critique aside, this place has served us well over the years, and will do just fine for now. Come on.”
    We get out and walk to the front door. I instinctively glance around the neighborhood. The street is quiet, and there are no people around. He produces a key, unlocks the door, opens it and steps inside, and holds it open for me to pass him.
    I walk down the hall, which runs centrally through the house, toward the kitchen, which covers the width of the building at the back. There are four rooms in between, two on either side. I check each room in turn, like someone on their holidays arriving at their hotel for the first time. The first door on the left is a modest bedroom, with a single, ready-made bed against the far wall, and a closet on the right opposite the door. Minimal, but functional.
    I close the door and turn, opening the one across the hall on the right. Inside is a living room, with two sofas arranged in an L-shape facing away from me, aimed at the TV on its stand in the far corner. Again, aside from a set of small tables in the middle of the room, there is little else in there.
    I back out again and walk further down the hall, opening the second door on the right, revealing a bathroom. The toilet is facing the door, with a sink next to it. Against the right wall is a decent-sized shower cubicle. Very basic, but serves its purpose.
    Finally, I turn to the left and open the second door, opposite the bathroom. This is another living room, but has a dining table with four chairs around it in the center of the room. I close the door and turn to see Clark, looking at me, smiling.
    “Everything to your

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