by Karolyn Cairns

Book: by Karolyn Cairns Read Free Book Online
Authors: Karolyn Cairns
    Emily knew all she needed to know, judging Gregg to be three sheets to the wind. He was drunk off his ass! She felt like an idiot. All she wanted to do was go home to lick her wounds from his cruel comments. The last thing she needed right now was to spar words with a drunk, middle-aged car salesmen. The wedding was definitely off! She took the time to read his nametag he failed to remove from his shirt. Gregg wasn’t a service manager at all, but a salesman on the lot. He had a lot of nerve pointing out the untruths in her profile. He lied about himself too!
    “Why don’t we just have some fun while we’re both here, Emma?” He ordered another round. His watery blue eyes appeared unfocused as he leered at her. “I got a company car out front. You ever ride in a new Camaro? Sweet ride.”
    Emily didn’t bother to correct him about her name. She wanted to run as far as she could get from this creepy guy. “I have to get up early in the morning. It was nice meeting you but I really have to go. I’ll pass on that ride”
    “Aw now, just stick around and have some fun, Emma,” Gregg crooned, his hand sliding under the table to stroke her thigh reassuringly , making her skin crawl. “Let’s both get somethin’ out of this, huh? Why don’t we go out to my car?”
    “I don’t think so,” Emily replied tightly , repulsed by his unsavory proposition.
    “What’s your problem? You uptight or somethin’?” Gregg glared at her, his stale, rum-laden breath making her want to retch up her salad.
    “No, I’m not uptight at all; just sure you aren’t my type.”
    “Come on, honey, just relax,” Gregg slurred as he put back another drink, belching disgustingly. “The night’s still young. Who knows, maybe I can get you to loosen up after I get you in my car, huh? I bet once you come out of that frumpy dress, your one hot mama.”
    “This is really not happening!” Emily was through being polite. “You don’t even know me! So much for quiet nights with a good wine! Do yourself a favor, and go to AA, buddy!”
    “I’m here, aren’t I?” Gregg weaved over the rim of his drink, his bloodshot eyes dipping to her chest. He lingered there, unhearing. “Come on; quit being such a tight-ass. Loosen up. Let’s just have some fun, Emma.” He then reached under the table to fondle her thigh again. “You got an itch to scratch, and I’m happy to oblige you.”
    Emily shoved his hand off her leg . She inched farther back into her chair, offended by his touching her. She had no intentions of having any fun with Gregg. She collected her purse and eyed him in disgust. “As I said, it was nice to meet you, but I have to go. I suggest you don’t drive tonight. You’re too drunk. Have a nice life, Gregg. This date is over.”
    “ Hey, screw you, bitch! I’m not drunk!” Gregg’s voice shot up three octaves, making people turn and stare at them. “You got a lot of nerve showin’ up here puttin’ me down, lady! You’re lucky I don’t notify that dating site of what a goddamned psycho they have on there!”
    “Ok, I’ve had enough of you,” Emily snapped and glared at Gregg. “It’s obvious why you’re still single, Gregg. Good luck with You’ll need it.”
    Emily didn’t see his elbow fly out . He knocked his drink over. She didn’t jump up before it was too late. Her lap was soaked with his rum and Coke now. She fumed as she snatched up a cloth napkin to sop up the ice cubes floating in her lap. Gregg was giggling drunkenly, hiccoughing, and finding the whole scene funny.
    “I’d say the same to you , babe. Trust me you ain’t any loss.”
    Emily hurried away from the table, mortified the other patrons heard the exchange . They laughed impolitely at his words. She only wanted to get away from the horrible scene as quickly as she could, not seeing the waiter clearing the bar with a tray laden down with drinks.
    Emily ran into the young man and upended his tray, sending the drinks

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